Chapter 18

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Panicked seized my very core as I watched Leah burst through the living room door. I took the advantage of Vincent's distraction to get away from him. My wings spread out knocking my brother off of me while standing me up. It was my worst fear, having Leah in the most dangerous situation possible. Did my barrier fail that quickly? I released my flame like whip once more and bound it around Vincent's chest hoping to ensnare him long enough to move in front of Leah.

Although my body fought against it, I pushed back the urge to give up. I knew I had to keep going despite how weak I was. This was exactly the moment he was waiting for. I stood there panting heavily in front of the human I loved acting as a shield. I would not let Vincent hurt her, even if it meant sacrificing myself. "Leah, what are you doing here?" My voice was a bit shaky. It was still rather hard to breath considering the wound in my chest had not healed completely. My eyes widened as I felt her arms wrap about my waist. I moved my wings allowing the distance between us to shorten.

"I'm sorry Victor. You should have told me what was happening I could have stopped it. I could have prevented you from getting hurt." I could tell she had tears in her eyes as she pressed against me in horror.

I shook my head, "No..."my words were soft, "You need to stay out of this. I will not die, just like Vincent will not die. But you, Leah you can die. Please, while I have him restrained... go. I need you to leave now." My words were drenched in panic. Eventually I would be able to send my brother back into the demon realm, but I would be damned if Leah got caught up in this mess.

Before I could react, Leah's body quivered as her true essence came burning through. I could see the light blue flames of an exorcist radiate off of her body. Even my nose tingled from the true aroma of her blood. My heartbeat quickened with frustration and panic. If she used her powers, she could get hurt or even die. I used my wings to push her back hoping she would not fall too hard. I needed to put as much distance between the two of us as I could. I took advantage of the delay to reach out and grab for my brother. If I had to, I would take the two of us back to the demon realm to fight. Leah did not have to do this, especially for my sake.

Vincent laughed with a twisted grimace as he broke free from my grasp. The world around me slowed down as he summoned another spear and glanced towards Leah. The word "exorcist" rolled off his tongue in the deep accent of our native language.

Leah's eyes burned a hypnotic blue as she stood back and brought her hands together. A marvelous blinding light began to radiate from her very core. Thin strands of gold escaped from Leah stretching all around her. Intricate patterns began to emerge, swirling together to form the banishing circle used by the highest level of exorcists. I myself had never seen one in person, but I had heard many stories growing up. She was planning to banish my brother, regardless of the consequences. In this moment, I was torn. Who was it I should stop? Leah was closer, but Vincent had a weapon. Knowing I would not die from his crystal spear, I turned my back and ran at Leah hoping to stop her incantation. As my wings wrapped around us my heart sank, it was too late.

My eyes shifted down as the spear protruded through my ribs; blood dripping off the shimmering point. I held Leah close in my arms as my wings created a small secluded pocket. I coughed feeling the burning scratchy sensation as blood began to fill my lungs. Using one hand, I pulled the crystal dagger out and tossed it on the ground. My ears rang as it shattered beside me. Tears nipped at my eyes as I tried to force them back, now was not the time to let my emotions get the better of me. I continued to shield both Leah and myself from the blinding light of the banishing circle. I could hear Vincent yelling and cursing as the formation began to close. This was not supposed to happen this way.

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