Chapter 2- Attack On Koria

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The Phoenix Festival was approaching fast to the planet of Koria. Lilly was only 6 at the time. She was on her way to the Portal Room in the palace. In the portal room was a portal to every planet and 1 for Red Fountain and One For Alfea mainly for the many fairies and specialists that lived on Koria. There wasn't one for Cloud Tower because Koria was known for the only planet that doesn't support witches if a witch was born they would be taken and transported to Cloud Tower instantly. She was gonna go to Solaria to meet up with her Techy Aunt Erica. When she arrived sirens went off indicating invasion. When she heard she went straight for the Throne Room where her parents were. Tristan also went to the Throne Room. Tristan was 11 at the time.

"What's going on?" said Lilly in a panic as 5 guards rushed in.

"A mysterious squad of witches have begun a invasion. They are after the Host Of The Flame Of The Phoenix" says one of the guards. King Ethan whispers to Tristan.

"Tristan run get your sister out of here. Go to the portal room and go into the Red Fountain portal. An old friend of mine will help u get in contact with Erica. Now GO!" Tristan grabs his sisters hand and runs as fast as possible to the Portal room. Another guard comes in.

"The Witches are breaking into the Palace.." says the guard.

"Guards defend the palace and summon the Guardian Fairies" Said King Ethan. He was referring to the Aunt Erica's daughters that were faires. The guards ran out and summoned the Guardian Fairies. Tristan and Lilly arrived in the Portal Room and jumped into the portal to Red Fountain. Tristan and Lilly approached while the battle in Koria raged on. The headmaster came rushing out to the children already knowing what happened.
"You'll be safe here. Lilly you will stay at Alfea. Headmistress Katy most likely will protect you." Lilly looks at Tristan.

"Mister, Father say you could get us in contact with out aunt Erica." Says Tristan.

"I can" A magic window appears having Aunt Erica in the window.
"Kids?" Says Erica "Aunt Erica!" exclaimed Lilly. "Koria is being attacked! Father told us to get in contact so you could protect us!" Erica looked at them.

"Of course. Come through the window and you will be transported here." They did as they were told and went into the window. They appeared with their Aunt Erica and the Headmaster closed the window.

"You will be safe here. And when your old enough you will start going to school.

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