Bonus Chapter: The Bonds of Telli

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Lilly has been at Alfea for a few months almost a year now. She had earned her Enchantix at this time. During that time she took one of her friends, Kelli, to her home planet, Koria. During that time in Koria, the Queen was giving birth to twins. Lilly gave Kelli a tour around the village then as she approached the castle, the guy who was considered to be the most handsome male on the planet was walking through the courtyard and into the village. At that moment he bumped into Lilly, who was his sister. Lilly had told Kelli that Tristan, her brother, was considered the most handsome guy on the planet. When he bumped into them, Kelli couldn't take her eyes off of him. His brown hair glistened in the sunlight.

"Hi Tristan!" says Lilly. She smiles and waves to her brother.

"Hello, my dear sister." Tristan was one of the most well-mannered people in Koria.

"Who is this?" He asks referring to the Fairy Of Emotions that was now trying to use Lilly as a shield.

"She's one of my friends from Alfea. Her name is Kelli. And she is the Fairy Of Emotions." Lilly goes over to Tristan.

"I think she's falling for you, like all the other girls." She whispers to Tristan while glancing at Kelli.

"H-HEY! I HEARD T-THAT LILLY!" Kelli says while stuttering. Lilly was correct though.

"I am not falling for him!" She says trying to get out of this situation.

"Mhmmm. Okie." Lilly knew how Kelli was when it came to guys specially cute princes.

"Uh......I have to go..." Kelli runs away.


Tristan had came to Alfea to do deliver something to the Headmistress from Red Fountain's Headmaster and he also decided to visit his sister with a surprise gift for the Fairy Of Emotions. He met up with his sister as he handed her the gift. She had a better chance of getting it outside Kelli's room without being noticed then he could. The two siblings walked into Dorm 2-B and when Kelli seen that she gave Lilly 'the what is he doing here' look. She wasnt phased by it. She magically placed the gift outside Kelli's bedroom door without Kelli seeing.

"I guess I'll be going Lilly." Tristan then walked out and Lilly went into her room. Kelli got up to go to her room when she saw the gift. She read the card and then opened the small box. Inside it held a ruby bracelet with gold outlining the rubies. She looked at it, and that's how the wonderful couple begun.

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