Chapter Two: The New Girl

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Wednesday, the next day, was not to be any better. I sat quite uncomfortable at my chair in the hall waiting for the prefect on duty to finish his speech. After him was to be me. Yes remember I had to apologize in front of the whole school for the incident.

That day I had made an effort to polish my shoe, quite a life changing experience for me. Standing from that chair, walking to that podium, oh no that was hard. Sticks and stones could break bones but eyes, holy crap; I could feel the pinch right through my skin. They were silently torturing me. At that time I wished I had a remote control to fast forward to a better scene of my life.

The silence was screaming as I began my apology, "Principal, deputy principal, teachers and my fellow student's good morning?" I felt as if I heard no one reply. It was beautiful up there, how the blazers and cardigan blended with the white shirt collars was super neat. No wonder teachers ever noticed all the students who dozed off down there. At that moment standing there, I locked eyes with Joan. She had shame written all over her face something I was to be the one carrying. Then she looked down and I lost it all. The speech I had rehearsed the whole preps was all gone at that moment like from 100 to 0 quick.

"Aagh," I struggle out of the confusion, "I am Ted, Anyona Ted, form 3 east. Am here to apologize for my misconduct I was involved recently. It was such a shame and I hope no one would feature in that scene again." That was not hard at all. I climb down from the podium as fill the hall.

The first class was Chemistry, oh no, not Chemistry, I never liked Chemistry, I mean nobody liked Chemistry, even the Chemistry teacher didn't like Chemistry am sure. I sat behind Sophie in class, who by the way had not talked to me since I returned. And then unexpectedly she passes a note to me . I act as if to snub it but later open to read it

It read, " hey, am sorry you had to go home because of me, just that you know, I had nothing to do with why I didn't go home too, we're still friends right ? Brother and sister? And for your information Joan really hates us right now and I don't know what to do. Hearts❤"

I turned the note to the other side to reply, and just then Mr. Kilunda called out at me.

"Anyona!" I cocked my head up anxiously.

"Concentration here."

"Am not in the mood to hear you apologizing in the assembly anytime soon." Mr. Kilunda joked and soon the whole class was laughing.

For some reason I wished all these was just an episode of 'glee' and soon everyone would burst into song and dance but well it was just a wish. We'll all know what happens to wishes. They even have their own proverb.

I threw the note into my desk and tried to concentrate but this

Was not to be any easy, especially not in this class, where Malik and his desk mate Dan were busy chewing papers and throwing them at people or in the same class where your girlfriend who now hated you, was crying secretly behind her books thanks to you.

None of that was distraction at all, not if you had not seen what Sam and Cindy were doing.

Cindy's hand was stretched into Sam's pants. Not shocking coming from those two in class. Her eyes closed probably coz her fingers were now wrapped around his cock, and with a big smile of pure naughtiness, Sam looks around the class, just to confirm everyone was watching, he liked it that way. And then showing nothing but pure anticipation, Cindy licks her lips impatiently as if she was going to do it now, to eat it out all with her mouth now.

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