Moment of truth

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Ziva's pov

*still with Tony in elevator*

"when I was talking to Ima-er Jenny I was asking her if I could have my desk back"

"Zi, thats great we'll be partners again, me always on your 6 and you always on mine. Just like times"

"I'll be on desk duty Tony that was the agreement,  I mean I don't mind anything to keep our little peanut safe"

"Peanut?! What was the agreement?"


*An hour earlier. Director's Office*

"Hi ima..."

"what's up Zivi?"

"I want back. Please"

" I don't think that's a good idea"

"please, ill dp anything and I've already planned how this can work"

"okaai, so what's this plan then Zivi?"

"Seriously? oh right, um well. Okaai, you keep the Ellie girl but put a desk between mine and Gibbs for her ots plenty of room, and the boys will need her help out in the field you know what they're like. Obviously I can't go out in the field because of Peanut but I can do interrogations until im six months and I can be on desk duty until my maternity leave!?"

I was really worried if ima would agree to my proposal. I wanted back on the team so bad it hurt.

"Well zivi, it's a very good idea but-"

"please ima please please please, don't make me leave"

"I was going to Okaai we'll do your proposal. I just have to get the paper work sorted"

"thankyou ima" I hug her then walk out the door.


*present time*

"Tony, you should call Gibbs" he gives me a questionable look

"to tell him we've fixed things. I'd do it but he'll think im lying"

"okaai sweet cheeks" I love it when he calls me 'sweet cheecks' to me shows he cares.

Tony's pov

I take out my phone and calls Gibbs


hey boss..

what Dinozzo?

just that everything's okaai between me zi

really? I don't quite believe you Dinozzo

No really boss, we've made up properly. Ask Ziva if you don't believe me

Alight,  the elevator should start soon.

I new we would be stuck in here for at least and hour. I put my phone back into my pocket and rub Ziva's arm

"You okaai, Zi?"

"Umm, yes I am fine Tony, I am just tired" I wrap my arms around her waist and lift her ontp my lap, to make her comfortable


"What Tony?"

"What is Peanut?"

"Well we don't know if the baby is a boy or a girl yet so we can't name it, and right now it doesn't even look like a baby, I looks like a peanut"

"How do you know that? You didn't have the first scan without me, did you?"

"Of course not!" she sound offended I even said that "I guessed roughly how far I am and Google'd it"

"Ooh right, sorry my bad"

"rule 6 Tony"

"right, sor-" I cut myself off. I looked down at Zi to see that she's buried her face into my chest, her right hand on top of mine protecting the 'Peanut' as she called, and her left hand wrapped around my waist like she would lose me of she let go.

Gibbs pov

It's been two hours since I shut Tony and Zivi in the elevator, they've either made up or Tony's dead. I push the secret button to set the elevator running again and stand at the doors. When the doors open I see Tony sitting on the floor intwined with a sleeping Ziver.

"take her home Tony"

"Thanks boss"

Tony's pov

After Gibbs said we can go I slowly stand up trying not to wake up my sleeping beauty. I walk into the squadroom grab our stuff head home


sorry its a really short chapter but oh well. next chapter will be better big drama, you won't wanna miss ~ Jazzie ♡

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