Remember Me!

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*Doctors pov*

we need to identify her before she can have much treat all we know is that she was involved in the explosion.

*Ziva's pov*

I woke up from bright lights over my face, I slowly opens my eyes and take in my surroundings. all i know is alone, confussued and afraid. I'm in hospital shit! what? why? how? then it comes flooding back to me. I start panicking because I couldn't defuse it so I ran, me! I ran. what if it hurt anyone in my family? what if one of them died? what is Tony is injured pr worse?  It'll be all my fault. these thoughts make me panic and cause several doctors to rush into my room.

"Miss you ypu need to stay calm"

"where's Tony? is he okaai? What about Gibbs or anyone else?"

"Miss you need to calm. We tell you everything but first we know who you are"

"why didn't you look at my ID?" I remember dropping it when I ran smart move Ziva! " Never mind. I'm Special Agent Ziva david, please call Agent Gibbs and tell him my weae abouts" I calmed down because stress is bad for the baby what about the baby "um. excuse me? My baby. Is my baby okaai?"

"Miss David everything is fine with your babies"

"What? Did you just say babies? As in more than one?"

"Sorry, didn't you know? Your having twins. They are both strong and healthy. Later I'll do an altra sound so you can see for yourself"

"thankyou" im having twins

*Doctors pov*

After we found put who miss David is I called the Agent Gibbs she asked is to call


"hello Agent Gibbs, I'm doctor Benoit from the university hospital"

" okaai, what can I do for you"

"We have miss David here and she is asking for you"

" I'll be right"

" she is on the Darwin Ward"

"okaai thankyou"

*Gibbs pov*

I can't believe it. we thought we lost her but she's alive!

I go to the hospital as fast I could, like my driving wasn't bad before

I made it to the hospital is 5 minutes, I broke all the traffic laws but alongs I get to make sure Ziva and the baby is alright I don't care.

I run up to the reception desk show my badge and ask what room Ziva is in "you must be Agent Gibbs, I'm doctor Benoit we spoke on the phone"

" yes of course thankyou, can I see her"

"sure I'll take you to her"

We get outside Ziva's room and I walk in with the doctor who checks her blood pressure, she looks really familiar.

" Hello Gibbs"

"hey Ziver, how are you?"

" I'm good how are you? And Tony and McGee and Abby and Ducky and Jenny and Palmer?"

"Abby, McGee, Jenny, Ducky, Palmer and myself are okaai nothing but a couple of bruises"

"what about Tony? He didn't die did he? I can't do this by myself"

"your never by yourself you'll have your ncis family. Tony is alive he had a bad concussion and can't remember much"

"can I see him? I need to see him"

"okaai, I'll take you to him"

Tony was on the same Ward as Ziva just a few rooms away.

We get into the room and Ziva rushes to Tony and grabs hold of his hand.

*Ziva's pov*

As soon as I see Tony I run over to him and hold his hand tightly in mind. Abby and McGee are asleep on the chairs next to Tony's bed by the window. Tony stays to stir then wakes up

"Kate?" he just called me Kate. I let go of his hand and slowly back away from him, I can feel the tears spring into my eyes, I'm too shocked by what Tony called me to stop the tears from falling.

"No Tony, I'm Ziva, remember?"

"sorry your name doesn't ring a bell, I recognise your face though"

he doesn't remember me

*Tony's pov*

I feel really bad this amazingly pretty woman is standing in my room crying because I don't who she is

"did we used to date or something?"

"used? I'm your girlfriend Tony, and are Co-workers remember? What about Peanut? tell me you know who or Peanut is?"

"I'm sorry no, you look familiar but I don't remember anything about us. What's our 'Peanut'?

She starts cry harder and her hands are shaking. She puts her hands on her stomach before talking

"Tony, Peanut is what we call the baby"

"you named your baby Peanut? That's awesome you must love Peanuts of you named your baby after them"

"No Tony, I haven't had the baby yet, we call it Peanut because it's what it looks like at the minute and it's not my baby, it's our baby, as in your child and mine"

"Sorry I don't remember"

I notice a goth girl sleeping on chair between my bed and the window, oh what's her? Abby! She starts to wake

"Hey Abs"

"Tony your awake, how are you?"

"much better since I've seen you"

*Abby's pov* the look on Ziva's face when he says that, it's not jealousy or angrer but hurt

"Ziva is everything okaai?"

"Abs, Tony doesn't remember Ziva or Peanut, and he just called her Kate" Gibbs informed me. When Gibbs said it, it meant that it was real and Ziva ran out of the room crying, I've never seen her like this ever.

" What the hell Tony? Do you know what's she's been through? A bomb went off and your pregnant girlfriend was missing the whole day? This isn't good for her, and if it's bad for her it's terrible for the baby! She could lose your baby Tony, so you better get remembering" I shouted at him then stormed off out of the room, and went to find Ziva's

"Ziva? Are you okaai??" she had her back to the wall so it's easier for her to ignore is I'm guessing and she's staring out of the window. She ignores me and I new this was only going to get worse if Tony doesn't remember soon, so I go and tell Gibbs, he'll know what to do he always does


heeey guys so here is the next chapter. what do you think?

The next chapter will be how Ziva is with Tony's memory loss and if Tony regains all his memory or only part of it ~ jazzie ♡

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