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Harry was off to the greenhouse for herbology. He wasn't paying attention and apperently neither was the person he bumped into.
He fell to the ground and dropped his books and so did the other person. Harry lookee up to see a scowling Draco Malfoy.
"Watch it Potter!" He spat, while picking up his books. Harry did the same.
When he got to herbology he opened his notebook to take notes on a Mimblus Mimbletonia (correct me if im wrong) and immediately realized he had the wrong notebook. He also realized that in small green ink were a bunch of "Draco Potter"'s with hearts. He started to blush and apperently Ron and Hermione noticed.
"Harry, are you ok?" Hermione asked as she and Ron tried to look into the notebook.
"Nothing!" Harry practically yelled while slamming the notebook shut, stuffing it in his bag and silencing the whole greenhouse.
"Continue, Proffeser Sprout" Harry said, his words almost merged together.
"5 points from Gryffindor for disruption." She said. The whole class was very awkward for Harry. Luckily it was his last class.
But what no ne knew was that Harry had feelings for Draco as well.
When he went to dinner, as soon as he sat down almost every Gryffindor's eyes were on him in a, 'What-happened-and-do-we-have-to-break-you-out-of-somewhere?' look.
"Guys I'm fine." Harry said looking over at the Slytherin table. He could see Draco panicking and the Slytherins questioning him.
Harry had been so absorbed in his thoughts he hadn't realized Ron had stolen the notebook. Harry only brought it to dinner to give it to Draco. Harry also realized at Herbology he had only looked on thw first page. He hadn't accidentally grabbed Draco's notebook. He grabbed his diary.
"'Dear Diary,'" Ron started while Hermione was looking down and picking at her food and shaking her head. Harry started to stiff and blush up.
"'Today at dinner Pansy almost found out about my feelings for Potter. I told her I didn't like him but I knew I didn't believe myself.' wow Harry... Um. Wow."
Harry took Ron's shock as an opportunity to snatch the book. He walked up to the Slytherin table and stood behind Draco. It took all the Slytherins half a second to realize Harry was there.
"DRACO AND POTTER SITTIN IN A TREE. K I S S I N G!" They started to chant. Draco looked behind him and saw Harry. He started to blush a deep red. Almost the red in the Gryffindor colors.
"Can I talk to you?" Harry asked. Draco nodded and they went to the hall.
"So... Here's your book."
"Thanks Potter."
After standing there for a few mimutes Harry leaned forward and kissed Draco. One thing turned to another and next thing they knew Draco had Harry pinned against the wall and kissing roughly. They were so absorbed thet hadn't realized there was a crowd of students letting out audible gasps, just staring in shock or passing around galeons that they won or lost in bets. Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, Ron and Hermione standing up front in shock. Hermione and Pansy were clapping and then they started to kiss. Mcgonnagal was collecting galeons from Snape and Dumbledore. As everyone left Snape stayed behind and said "Get a room."
He walked off and Harry and Draco started laughing

Like i said in the description i got this idea from DrarryCentral 👍

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