Introduction to darkness

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"There is a minor difference between the creator and the destroyer they both have to deal with the fragments of the universe but one detaches it while the other reattaches it"
I was walking in a jungle with creeks under my toes with the sound of mealody which was strange but familiar at the same time, I turn in one corner than walk again than I stop and turn left than walk again. Than in an suddent instant the walls of trees get thicker and thicker and my face grows fearfull in a second with the change in the nature, I suck in a breath and suddently I am on my knees craving for something anything to breath as I bow in front of a dark shadow that is smirking at me and I kneel with my head down in a very obedient manner as if this is my place, my position and the shadow is my lord.
With a shaky voice my tougue automatically starts to form words "magister , all
Hail magister of my soul"
And with another blink the darkness surrounds me and I enter this world.
Once again I wake up with a screams and a sore throat in the morning and not wanting to start the day with minutes I have, any time sooner.
I take a deep breath and start to get up with the realization of my dream replaying in my head.

Hail and well met, my friends who see me in my nightmare here by , hail those who don't as they are carefree and caressed at night by loved ones not by longingness for love & care.
Some people say name hold nothing, but in my world name holds every thing it binds me, threatens me traps me does every thing to sting me and keep me silent my prison realm, in my life even if I have power I can not stop thats the curse i've been bound to, to relish the pain that drowns my soul to a bottom less sea. I want to undo the curse but magister never veils his curtains of barrier or listens to my pleading I am bound forever and solmn above the earth cannot listen is like having what it takes but trying to risk it will be earthshattering.
My name cannot be said as it holds power, which can destroy the person who speaks it as I am a property of my magister but in this normal life I've been named Elora.
I was sent to earth to my magisters order here I was to murder the people who were given to me to murder, I know I am a killer and I hate it And , know how It feels to murder some one without a reason but I need to cause if I don't I will be bond here forever to the earth to kill mercylessly with no guilt I know I am guilty but I am so very much tired that I can not even pretend to be normal.
I have seen people grow I have seen people die infact I have taken life out of some but people don't care they keep wasting time with no remorse thats what I have learned so far. only the ghost in my mind stays with me 'my last murder' my own brother whom I killed with my own hands and he only responded with a smile which I can never forget but I am bound and know one can undo that as life of a mortal is like skipping stones they meet many surfaces of water some shiney, some hopeful, some who stayes in our memory forever but when they finally sink their death shaters the waters surface and sink deep in their memory and only than are remembred when the water flowes between the stone from its place occasionlly, I wish I could just be like them. But I know I can never be.

LONG LINESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora