The plane given

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Until now all I knew was that world lies,hates and a sunny day can be turned into a sulky cold any time, we can also say that the world is like a ice berg
Waiting to collide with titanic any time. And the titanic is nothing but another large blamable ship on its way to destroy this perfectly fine day.
And now some of you readers would say why think our life as an iceberg and titanic our problems the answer is that titanic got destroyed at the end. And to keep our life's hopeful lets not take that or we might never live happily at least while happiness last. Here is the titanic I am facing which most certainly destroyed by heart.
Two years later-.....................
Words are complex things, some times it all depends on the tone, a command can be easily put as a 'as you may' thing any time.with the right tone and the right person at the job. And certainly my magister was the person who would command me as I am indebted to him but as magister knows too well as he had practically raised me for last two years I can say with surety that if he had asked me any other way I would have rebelled and would have to go through with pain to this mission.
Either way I would have to do this , I had fake laughed to bite back tears.

The day came like any other I was to stay in my quarters, which was a small square room, a table, a chair and a porch for me to sleep in. my magister was out on his business which I am not SUPPOSED to know by the orders of him. And I am not SUPPOSED as I am nothing but a weapon to wield as I've been told thousands of times in the past. 

After wafting for some hours My magister returned, in the last Two years I was given a doorsmial in my room, one of my devices made by THE SWALLISH, the cast which can mold iron. This doorsmial is one of the Sylvian instruments given to the indenters or often known as slaves to know when their master are available and they are expected to serve them. I quickly got up picked up the tray thus putting the food I was readying for magister. And took the glass, and poured the water and for a little while stood their to just relish the sun deepening its power into the water and the moment enhanced by the glass. And sighed as I wished to go to the sea and play just to be a girl not a weapon But soon the moment was gone as naturally as it came as the time and my mind communicated with each other and the time won and with reflex now as a well trained dancer I completed my tray with flowers and carefully took the tray to the door of my magister.

The door was made of the same premium wood as non other.
I knocked gently but enough to be heard and opened the door softly, inside my magister sat in his proud manner, sometimes the way he held himself made me want to do anything for him, It was not a intimating kind of way but simply Eire, not making me irk but not making me flattered either it was a posture that demanded respect, which made you want to kneel or bow to him.

I entered the room placed the plate of tray on the large wooden table which matched The cream colour walls which were way lengthened than necessary, there were many premium curtains hanging lazily and the clock which was straight and precise.and than there was the aura of something deep and dark that could not be placed in words it was a feeling of secrecy,a feeling of threat lingering in the very air. Which made me want to leave the room as quickly as I can. But I did the only thing which was expected of me, I bowed not that low bending of legs but the deep one which made your knees touch on another and at last touch them to the ground. Which made your legs ache and show the perfect bend of your body.
And with a quirky but calm was said "hail magister of my soul I await your desire"
And kept my bow steady even if my legs melt I would not leave this bow if I do it would be an act of disrespect and I would me shackled for the night in my quarters.
It was the one of the ways my magister punishes me. I am kept in my quarters with chain tied to my wrists, but it is not your normal shackles , these shackles suck life energy of life forces on which they are tied to so, they suck your energy which causes unbearable pain as my magister is one of THE SALNARISTS so he has his ways to get these kind of devices.
Finally my magister said"Your respect is expected my dear,indenture
And for a change he smiled
I knew in that moment That he wanted something and did not want me to disobey, and he was having a short patience on this "thing" he was planning, but it was so long since he smiled at me like that that I had forgotten what to say it was the first time he saw me and took me under his wing so I did the only thing I knew to say my gratitude"your wish is my command master, I will do anything,anything FOR YOU".
And kneeled to await my order,suddenly he got up from his leather grand chair and smirked at me as If his plane had gone finally right, and said the words I was desperate not to hear
"As you know now after two years Of making you my weapon and slave you
Are still indebted to me If you go on a last mission and YOU make an oath in front of angle shyill I will grant your wishes, freedom even if you please me from your work"
And all I say are the most bitterest words I taste in my mouth are"yes, my magister I will serve you as you please "

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