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Copyright © 2018 by Flowerice. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication story may be used or reproduced in any manner, or transmitted, in any form or whatsoever without written permission of the copyright owner/publisher of this book.

This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. So any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.



The way the story Royal Pain In the Ass came to me, also to my imagination and what motivates me to write this is the sense of wonderful things in life, and one of them is friendship.

I believe we think more deeply about the most important people in our life, in this universe, more than anything else and in many ways, stories travels each day, each year, or infinity just to come to a point in time where you'll eventually meet.

The power of words, and beyond imagination, has held me captive inside my own little world.

I hope you enjoy Royal Pain In The Ass as much as I have enjoyed writing and putting it all together.



"If you ask me, anyone would have told you that I stopped being the person I was the second you stepped into my life."

In this world, right now, the only thing that mattered to Evielle Floral was to hire someone trustworthy enough to work for her mother's little bakery shop.

But when Archie William came into view, everything changed.

Waking up to the thought of two things; the lazy pain-in-the-ass employee that her mother aimlessly hired without any mutual agreement, and that he absolutely, truly, and completely looks exactly like the one and only, Prince Andrew Alexander.

The only thing that mattered to Andrew Alexander; was to live in a world where he could be free, doing things at his own pace and away from the spotlight, that he had already been receiving ever since he was born.

But when fate is knocking on his door, and the universe decides to collide between two people, at that moment Andrew is glad that he found Archie William; the resemblance of their appearance and similarities between their features is truly astounding.

This led Andrew to one thing; switching identities.

It could never possibly do any harm, right?

Especially when both parties swear upon their life and the secret with a pinky promise. 



Now here comes the fun part in writing, which of course, being able to choose and portrayed my choice of characters but don't worry, you don't have to imagine them the way I did, your mind is completely up to you, we all like to see things differently and that's okay!


Emma Watson as Evielle Floral

Royal Pain In The AssOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora