[ 2 ] - I'd Toss a Cupcake at Your Head In a Heartbeat

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"Do not give away the keys to the kingdom to anyone less than a king."


I'd Toss a Cupcake at Your Head In a Heartbeat


- Sunday morning -

If I have learned anything this year, it is that I will not be sure and ready for what life has planned for me, I will never be adequately prepared.

This is the longest I have gone without having proper sleep. At least mum and Meredith did manage to get a short power nap, whilst I, on the other hand, was worrying about trivial things in my mind.

I'm sure I look as dead as a zombie right now.

Mum, Meredith, and I had gone our way for the past two days, baking the demanded red velvet cupcakes.

We stayed up all night trying to finish everything, mum was busy making the cupcakes with the help of Meredith, while I was concentrating on doing my frosting, and placing them neatly in the confectionery cupcake boxes.

It is happening tonight.

Though we could have done it more serenely and peacefully, not until we received a call this morning from one of Royal's workers, that the Queen will be sending one of her trusted men to visit our store for some cupcake tastings and whoever that is, will be here anytime soon.

The ambience around us falls silent as we speed up these last hours by working twice as hard as before.

"Bunch of ignorant, aren't they?" Archie snapped, breaking the lethargic tension in the kitchen.

He walks in with another box and fills the ready ones in them. "Who even does cupcake tastings on the day of the delivery?" He mutters under his breath.

That is a fair point, I tell myself.

For once I did not feel like commenting on any of his witty complaints for the past few hours, only because I wanted to get over and done with all this mess, and the fact that my mum has temporarily taken that role over for me instead.

"I've been hearing the same shit since morning." My mother chimed in, shaking her head slightly at Archie who was busy stacking up the boxes on the kitchen counter.

On the other side of the kitchen, Meredith was just there chuckling away at the sight of them. She set the last tray of cupcakes in the oven with a sigh of relief, then her body turned towards me.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "All of this hard work, do we even get an invitation to the event celebration?"

Good question...

Every year, the Royal family celebrates their tradition of the Blessing Ceremony, at least that is what they call it. It has been going on for decades throughout their entire generation and the event was rumoured to be held in a private place at the palace, and it is closed to the public as only exclusive guests are invited. Even reporters or any media are not allowed to enter the palace because there will be bodyguards everywhere.

According to my nosy best friend, who constantly devours her free time in investigating as to why they always held in private every year was because there are too many secrets that could potentially unfold and expose some bad reputations between them.

I must admit that I am quite impressed with her work digging into said rumours. But how many percent of it is the whole truth?

Mum whipped her head in our direction, her lips slightly parted. "Actually..."

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