tears at the table

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A request from ILoveTheSuggs1, thank you very much
I hope you enjoy ur imagine!

Joe decided to take you back to Wiltshire and join his mates.

Of course they were being lads making horrible comments towards you.
"Alright boys that's enough!" Joe growled
"Aw sorry we forgot she belongs to you" Jones teased
"You alright?" Joe asked holding your hand.
You nodded with a not so promising smile. Your eyes stung and your stomach was in knots
"I mean come on Joe, you can do way better than y/n!" Butler admitted
"I said ENOUGH" Joe demanded "I'm with y/n because i love her and she's beautiful!"

Your stomach went tight and you couldn't hold back tears. You got up
"Excuse me!" You said and hurried to the bathroom.
Standing by the mirror you broke down In tears. Mascara ran dangerously and you covered your mouth. Tears fell painfully with the sniffle from you.

A older woman came out the stall. Black curls in a messy bun, wide brown eyes, tan skin with raspberry lips.
You eased her with a smile.
"Would you like a tissue?" She asked
Getting one in her hand and passing it too you as if she didn't need a answer. "Thank you" you thanked wiping the mascara and tears.
She smiled and headed for the door but hesitated and turned on her heel.
"Sorry to ask but why...why are you crying?" She asked "a beautiful girl like you should be smiling"
"Well I met my boyfriends mates and they were being awful to me" you admitted.
"Well Darling put on a strong smile, fix your makeup and tell them to go fuck themselves" she explained

It made you laugh.
"I'm serious!, I Hate seeing pretty young girls crying over boys" she admitted
"What do you suggest I do?" You asked. She was a complete stranger but the nicest stranger you've met In a while.
"I suggest you clean your face. Don't show the boys you've cried because your very strong!"
"I'll do just that!" You agreed.
"Good girl" she smiled.

Taking the lady's advice you wiped off mascara , topped the concealer, finished your lips and walked out with a smile

Joining the boys Joe watched you with a smile but confused.
"Hey" you greeted
"Listen y/n we are sorry, we were uncalled for!" Jones apologised
"I don't exactly Accept but thank you!" You hissed.
You grabbed Joe's collar and kissed him passionately with tongue. He kissed back with a smirk.
His hands held you against him as you both pulled away.
"And that's why I'm with y/n gentlemen." Joe smirked "she's bloody amazing!"

Thanks for reading....

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