having a family with Joe

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You and Joe were now married and proud parents of three children. Bonnie aged six
Tom aged seven
max aged seven.
You were working as (your dream job)
Joe worked as a company manager
Joe was thirty six and you were thirty two . however Joe always called you a hot mum and loved you dearly just like how you loved him

Everything was perfect

You were making dinner.

"Tom stop hitting your sister!" You warned "max stop tormenting the dog!"

"But mummy! Tom hit me first!" Bonnie huffed

"Just stop hitting each other!" You warned "JOEE!"

"There's my little girl!" Joe eased picking bonnie up. Placing her on his hip.

"Hey ! Max leave the dog!" Joe warned "tom behave and listen to your mother!"

Planting a kiss on your cheek.

"Hey sweetheart" he greeted.

"Hey" you greeted.

Joe placed bonnie down at the table chair and the boys followed as you served dinner.

You all ate and spoke about work and school.

After a while. Tom spoke.

"Mum i ate my vegetables can i play out now?" He asked

"Yes but put your shoes on!" You admitted

Tom ran out taking the dog with him

You all had currently moved to Brighton to a beautiful house. A giant garden for the kids and easy assess to work and family.

"Daddy?" Bonnie asked

"Yes darling" Joe answered

"Can I play out now?" She asked

"Yes go on then" Joe agreed


After dinner all the kids went outside to play giving you and Joe time to clean up.

"Here! Let me do that" Joe insisted taking control of the dishes.

"Okay thank you" you smiled

Joe smiled and planted a soft kiss on your lips.

Suddenly bonnie came in crying

"Oh no what's wrong?" You asked

She pointed at her bleeding knee. Joe rushed to the scene. Bonnie was always secretly his favourite. He always wanted a little girl.

"Come Here. We will get a plaster" Joe eased putting her upon the bench

She begun sobbing.

"Oh no don't cry. Daddy doesn't like that!" Joe eased wiping the blood.

"Its hurts !" She whined

"I know Darling. I know" he eased

Max rushed in.

"Bonnie fell over the skateboard!" Max panicked

"Its okay she's getting a plaster" I smiled

Max smiled and went back out. Chasing tom with a stick. It melted your heart seeing Joe with your kids.

"There we go all better princess" Joe eased kissing it better.

She cuddled into him. Where he cuddled back kissing her forehead.

You smiled watching them. He put her down and she ran back out..no tears.

"Your so good with her" you said

As he went back to the dishes

"Do you think?" Joe asked

"Of course you are" you admitted "not so much dishes!"

"Oh really" he grinned taking bubbles and blowing them at you. Running them down your hair .

"Joe" you joked

"What!?" He joked wrapping you in his arms and pulling you tightly into his chest.

Grabbing bubbles and smearing them down the side of his face.

"Awh y/n!" He whined laughing.

Pulling away.

You laughed at him as he wiped them away.

"I love you!" You admitted

"Awh i love you too y/n!" Joe smiled


Finally the kids were asleep by nine. Joe crept downstairs after saying goodnight and noticed you cleaning the living room.

His hands on your waist.

"You look tired baby!" He said "I'll do this!"

"No Joe! You do to much lately" you disagreed

"Whole point of being a dad" Joe eased

You sighed and negotiated to do it together. Joe pulled you down on the sofa.

A arm around your shoulders.

"Your a great mum you know" he begun

"Really?" You asked

"Of course" he smiled planting a soft kiss on your lips.

You kissed back.

Thanks for reading....

Joe Sugg ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang