Fish Out Of Water (One Direction Fanfic)

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Hey guys. So, this is the 1D mermaid book. Hope you like it!


Courtney - Blue tail, slightly wavy brown hair. Powers are hypnotizing people, reading people's minds and talking to animals. Sassy, a bit of a flirt, a lot of fun to be around.

Tess - Red tail, long and very straight dirty blond hair with red streaks. Kaleidoscope eyes, meaning they change color. Powers are controlling fire and lightning and heating up water. Hotheaded - don't piss her off. Loyal to her friends, holds grudges against people, but can be a lot of fun if you don't annoy her. Pretty carefree, likes to prank people.

Rebecca - Green tail, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Powers are controlling water and talking to sea creature. Funny, easy to get along with, a total sass girl. Can give really good advice, but often is very hyper.

Kelly - White tail, dirty blond wavy hair and blue-green eyes. Powers are controlling weather patterns. A bit quiet at first, but super sweet and an amazing girl.

Cayley - Purple tail, long slightly wavy brown hair, brown eyes. Powers are controlling air and wind, freezing water. Loves to draw, an excellent artist. Quiet at first, but a total goofball once you get to know her.

I'm assuming you guys don't need descriptions of the boys, so I'll just put their tail colors and powers.

Harry - Emerald tail, powers are being able to travel anywhere in the world as long as he's swimming, and turning invisible

Niall - Sea blue tail, powers are being able to see anything that's going on around the world, if he's swimming, and creating magic shields.

Louis - Teal tail, powers are being able to move very very fast, and controlling light.

Liam - Silver tail, powers are seeing the future and being able to tell if someone is lying

Zayn - Deep blue tail, powers are being able to draw something then pull it out of the paper to make it an actual object, and convincing people to do stuff for him.

So these are the characters! Thanks to everyone who entered for a character, first chapter will be up soon! And if anyone can make me a cover for this book I would be eternally grateful! Thankyou!

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