The Girls

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Two days later and I was still processing everything. Of course, I called Ang to tell her everything. I needed someone to listen to me and tell me it was all going to be alright. I had come to the conclusion that I probably needed more friends after I talked to her. She was helpful in calming my nerves and I appreciated it but it was clear to me she wasn't really listening, like really listening.

"Hey, girls," I said happily walking into the hotel and setting a couple boxes of donuts on a table near the door and staring at both Callie and Avery.

"Well, she's chipper today," Avery said kicking her feet onto the front desk and turning a page in her book and turning to look at Callie. I had just thought it progress enough that she wasn't on the floor anymore.

"I'd prefer to start down here and work up, theirs only a couple floors," I said to the painters behind me that started filing in. I was never a fan of the weird yellow color on the walls.

I had already talked to them about what colors I wanted where, but knowing myself I would decide I actually hate the color after it was on the wall. In which case I would have to pick out another color and have them repaint, which meant more money.

"You're finally getting rid of the pee-colored walls," Callie said excitedly and put her hand on her chest.

"Pee-colored?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"I'm descriptive," She said laughing and shrugging.

"I also brought donuts," I said turning around and pointing to the box sitting on the table behind me. I had gotten a couple boxes for the painters and a couple boxes for everyone working today. Now that I had thought about it, it looked like most of the boxes were missing. I turned back around staring at Callie and Avery confused.

"Don't look at us, Ethan and Charlie probably came out of hiding to grab a couple when you weren't looking," Callie said and Avery nodded in agreement adding in "It happens,"

I had only met the guys who helped guests with their luggage a number of times. They always seemed to have disappeared from view when I came around. As long as they did their jobs though, I honestly didn't care. They seemed like good guys, one in college, the other just trying to figure it all out. I made sure to let him know that if he needed help to let me know.

"You know, a little after high school, I used to work at this clothing store, it has to be long gone by now," I began thinking about all the stupid stuff I did while there and laughed.

"As I live and breath, the boss lady worked retail?" Avery asked sarcastically and gasped.

"I mean the only reason I'm a quote 'boss lady' is because my uncle left me two hotels," I laughed sadly.

"Well, this hotel is doing amazing ever since you took over. We're actually getting more business than when your uncle had it and you've also got a law degree and are planning on opening up your own law firm, which has to count for something," Callie said smiling at me.

Yeah, I needed to make a mental note to stop telling them almost everything.

"I don't think you understand how much confidence and intimidation you exude," Avery said looking at me. Me? No. I was literally a terrified little girl on the inside. I'm surprised it didn't show most of the time. When I thought about it I guess it was a good thing that it didn't show, can't let people like the man at the holiday party see me scared.

"Okay, girls. While I appreciate what you guys are saying, let's not blow my head up," I said laughing.

I started telling them stories about how I would hide from my boss when she'd come around or make sure that I wasn't scheduled when she was due for a visit. I eventually had to leave the front as people started coming in but I made sure to watch from a distance. Avery, as blunt and awkward as she may be was really good at faking enthusiasm.

Although they were my employees and not my friends, it was nice to talk to people who listened. Obviously, I wasn't going to tell them a lot about myself, there was a line. But it was nice to laugh with them and to hear about their dreams.

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