Chapter 7: Back to School

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As time passed very fast, it's time to go back to school. Elnath and Servius are very lazy to come to school. Lysithea is happy, because she thinks she can get the new lesson. "My goodness ! We'll meet those disgusting girls !" Andrielle said. "Guys, don't tell anyone that I'm their daughter. I don't want I get many friends just because of I'm their daughter." "Yes, Ethlando's girlfriend..." They all joked Lysithea. "Shut up ! Don't tell anyone about that too ! Or you'll be head off !" Lysithea said. They go to their class and the first class start, the first class is the Fighting Training class. "We'll go to the hall now, so get yourself ready." Said Sir Matt Joyner. They go to the hall and wait for Sir Joyner.

"Today, we'll try your fighting skills. This might be very interesting. Alright, the first one will be Thea Campbell and Theresa Horne." Said Sir Joyner. Lysithea and Horne come to the stage and the duel start. Horne try to manipulate Lysithea, but she can survive from it. It's Lysithea's turn to trick that disgusting girl, she make her move faster and make Horne loose her control of her sword. Finally, Lysithea win the duel. Unhappy with Lysithea's win, Horne try to attack her from the back and Lysithea realize her move and knock her down. "Nice idea to stole me from my back, Horne. Very smart." Lysithea sneered. "You, little jerk ! Still can show off after I bully you all the time ?" Theresa yelled. "Bully me ? That never happen, 'smart girl'. Do you think I'm afraid with you when I'm just do nothing when you sneered about me in front of your little friends and in front of the class ? Don't try to make me lose my temper." Lysithea said coldly. Then, she walk out the stage.

"Campbell wins ! Rivers ! Buckley !" Sir Joyner said and he called Andrielle and Maddy. The come forward the stage and they fight each other. With her cunning and cleverness, Andrielle win the duel even she's a year younger from Maddy (Andrielle is Lysithea's junior). After the duel is over, they have their free time. Lysithea and her friends go to the park. "What makes you takes very long in the duel ?" Evie asked. "Horne's dumb words." Lysithea replied. "That jerk, deserve to die..." Glenadia said calmly. "I don't know what's in those foolish girls' brain. What's the advantages of denouncing others. I did nothing to them and suddenly, thry did it to me." Lysithea said. "They hate you because of the class cash money, not only that. They said to me that they hate you because you're loud." Evie said. "The heck ? When they're loud, nobody hate them ! I'm only loud when I'm with all of you." Lysithea replied. "Girls.... very complicated...." Ethlando said and he rolls his eyes.

They become very silence and finally, Lysithea talk, "I had failed to join the the intra - school organization's organizer. At least, I'm the school military's commander and I join the school's orchestra." "They said that you'll destroy everything if you become the intra school organization's leader. They're just rubbish. When will they die, I wonder ?" Glenadia said. "Hey ! Keep your words !" Evie yelled. "They're just ordinary people that can die anytime. Don't worry." Servius said coldly.

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