Chapter 19 : The War

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The situation become more worst, the Dark Masked inflict damage everywhere. And this is the day, the war begins. The students and the teachers are in the hall. "Maybe some of you are wondering why I asked you to come here. I invite them who is connected with the Dark Masked to come forward. They'll be treated equally." Septimus said. Suddenly, a student come forward and yelled, "How dare you to suspect us with those bandits ! Because of you, we all need to fight them !" Septimus draw his sword and pointed his sword to the student. Unexpectedly, Lysithea stand in front of the student and pointed her wand to her father. "Don't try to block me, Lysithea." Septimus said coldly. "Really ? You wanna attack him ? You must to face me before you can harm him." Lysithea replied coldly. Septimus try to start the fight and Lysithea shouted a spell, "Impetus, vulpes, oh Sion ! (Attack, oh Sion fox !)" Then, a firery black shadows fox slid out of Lysithea's wand and it bites Septimus's sword and make it freeze. Septimus is surprise and he stop. "All of you, prepare yourself ! It'll begin." Septimus said.

The students and staff walk out the hall and there are only Ethlando, Lysithea, Joaquin, Evie, Kane, and Sir Sheeran. "This black crystal in this necklace can prevent the one who wear it from dark magic and other danger. It contents our family's magic and must be wear by the eldest child from the family. But, I want him to wear it. And please told Joaquin when the time is right if I can't." Lysithea said. Then, she put on the necklace in Joaquin. "No, you won't. We'll." Sir Sheeran said. "Great. Please protect him. Eth, ai armiel telere maenen hir." Lysithea said. "Love you, alfirin." Ethlando replied. Lysithea pull Ethlando closer and kiss him. They pull away each other and Lysithea hug her brother. "Be safe, frère." Lysithea said. Sir Sheeran carry Joaquin and walk out the hall.

The students, teachers, knights, Reformer of The Fox, and the Black Magicians are ready to go to the beach. They're ready with their weapon. Half an hour later after they're arrive the Dark Masked come and their leader, Fulgencio de Alvarado commanded, "Begin !" They start to attack the school. It's a very big war. Septimus, Lysithea, Elnath, and Helena are fighting the Dark Masked together in the sea shore. Chrysanthena and Sebastian are fighting in the east side of the sea. The flashes, bloods, and dead bodies are everywhere. It's horrible. Unfortunately, Septimus and Elnath knocked out. Lysithea use the dark magic, it makes her transform into something horrible with a great power. She's success to kill the Dark Masked. Unfortunately, her energy decrease and the Dark Masked success to knock her and he leave them.

"Septimus Seamus ! You won't leave me become a widow ! Thea ! Nath !" Helena cried and shouted. Ethlando, and Linaria come and hold Helena. "You won't lose them. They still alive." Linaria said. Suddenly, the transparent forms come out from Septimus, Lysithea, and Elnath's body. "Mom, let Eth use our family's weapon. They'll be defeated with it." Lysithea said. "Trust him, mom." Elnath said. "Lena, trust us." Septimus added. "Alright." Helena replied with tears. Helena handed the spear to Ethlando. Ethlando come to the Dark Masked and kill them till they escape from the war area and he come back to Helena. "Mission complete, mom." Ethlando said. "Thanks." Helena replied. Then, they take Septimus, Elnath, and Lysithea to the hospital. And the war is over. There's peace now.

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