Chapter 20 (Epilogue) : From Broken Heart To a Happiness

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After a week of coma, Lysithea conscious. The two weeks later, Elnath got married. Month by month has passed, but Lysithea and Ethlando haven't get any child. Lysithea tried every way to make herself pregnant Ethlando's child by drinking medicines and treatments. It doesn't work at all, all of her hard work just wasted and it hurts her physic. She get depressed because when the doctor diagnosed that the dark magic she used influence it. She get depressed, she looks very thin and paler than she was. Then, she escape from her parents's house.

Septimus and Ethlando are trying to find her and finally they find her in a church. "Lysithea, please come back to us." Ethlando said with a little bit tears in his face. "Please, Thea. I beg you." Septimus said softly. She turn her back and look at them hopelessly. "What for I come back ? I can't give you a child. You'd better go to the ministry and ask the Department of Marriage Law to write the divorce paper. My hard work to made myself pregnant your child by drinking the medicines and the treatments is just wasted." Lysithea replied.

"I don't need that, I just want you to accompany me in my life." Ethlando cried. "You don't know how I feel when I can't give you a child. It's a shame ! And I feel like a trash and why I still alive ?" Lysithea said with tears. Ethlando come to her and hug her followed by Septimus. He hug her daughter and comfort her. "Household is something that's hard to make it last forever. But, trust me. Both of you'll get what you want. The important thing is love and trust." Septimus said. Lysithea hug Ethlando and he kiss her head. Then, they comeback.

9 months later, Lysithea give birth a baby boy. She's so grateful and happy. Ethlando really happy that they have a son. "What will you name him, love ?" Lysithea asked. "I hope he can be like my grandfather, a great man who fight everything and a great father for my father. I'll name him Silvyr Septimus as a respect to my grandfather and your father. "And, I'll put your name and my grandpa's name too. His name will be Vallerius Silvyr Septimus Ethlando Galather." After all, they live happily.


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