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"She's unstable! Control her breathing! Where is the anesthetic? We need her to be asleep!"

Ara was still hyperventilating. Her vision was blurry from the tears and dizziness.

"Doctor! She's going unconscious!"

The frantic shouting from the surgeons and nurses were the last sounds that Ara heard before her eyes rolled into her head and she fell limp.

The surgeon cursed. "We need to start the operation!"

In Ara's mind, all there existed was a blank white space with her standing in it. There was the small table with the vase of sunflowers and Jin's letters.

Ara softly smiled to herself, thinking that it was heaven. Her smile faded away and a frown replaced it. She wondered what hell was.

Then, she started thinking about her friends. No one really visited her at the hospital. The only people she saw were her nurses and doctors.

Jin was her friend though. She had never seen him before, but she believed him. Her grandparents and mother were long gone. Her father was a local fisherman. He was always gone to sea. He came to visit her whenever he could, but there was rarely time.

Ara sat down on the white floor. The brightness of the white overwhelmed her eyes. She closed her eyes and breathed in quietly.

"What has my life become?"

Letters | Kim Seokjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now