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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

I'm sorry if I'm not able to update El Paso, well I was kinda thinking if I should change my writing style into a third person's point of view, so if I do that I will unpublished my story and such, which is very troublesome, but if I unpublished el paso I'll probably published one of my draft stories.

Why I was inactive for so long? Uhh because of school and stuff as always, I was at the edge technically and I was hospitalized because I was so stressed and pushing myself too hard, I'm sorry for all inconvenience but I'll be coming back, and try again.

Oh, I'm here to thank y'all for 10k read, it's such a big achievement I've reached before this year ends, I'm very grateful to all of your votes, reads and even the comments, it was fun reading all of it, I may not be able to reply to your comments because I'm such an awkward person, but hey I love y'all.

I'm very very very grateful to all of you, bless you all and have a great year next year!!

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