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Peter Pedigrew had just transformed back into a rat to make his great escape, menacing smile in place as he melted into is animingus form. Sirius and Lupin had been ready, but just before they could go after him Lupin saw the moon. Shit! It had to be a full moon.

Unable to heed Sirius's pleas he transitioned painfully into Moonie his alter ego. Saliva dropping from his mouth now fully the monster and no longer the man, he stepped towards Harry and almost chomped his shoulder blade, but was pushed away at the last second by a head of chestnut curls. Growling Moonie approached the girl who had effectively pushed The-boy-who-lived down the hill to safety. Her back turned, not knowing he had regained the ground he was shaken from. Before she could turn Moonie bit into her shoulder, a loud cry escaped her throat, and he would have kept going except for a sound from the distance. Was that a howl? The beast mused as he retracted his fangs from the soft shoulder.

Dropping the female, the wolf turned without a second thought and ran towards the sound.

Hermione winced at the pain from the puncture wounds. She knew the second that she was bit that one of two things would be happening tonight:

1) She would die, be ripped piece by piece and become food for the werewolf

2) She would become a werewolf

As she saw the retreating form, she knew it was to be the latter. No one survived a werewolf bite unscathed, and un-turned.

Making a swift decision, the young Gryffindor stopped the bleeding and put up a hasty glamour charm. She would act as if nothing happened in front of others, research what would happen come next full moon, and learn to control her wolf. She always felt Lupin took the easy way out and if he had only stopped wallowing in self pity he could be one with the beast.

The Order could never find out, obviously, Lupin was barely tolerated often treated like he had the plague at the best of times. She had time before the next change, and she all of a sudden had loads to do.

Thoughts sorted out, she stood and dusted herself off. Tonight she would finish helping Harry, tonight she would push everything aside, tomorrow she would research, tomorrow she would find answers.

Yesterday had been a whirlwind of activity. Finding out Sirius Black was not responsible for Harry's parents demise, but Ron's rat who was actually Peter Pedigrew. Seeing Harry conjure a powerful patronus, powerful enough to push away countless dementors, punching Malfoy had been a shining moment, and then there was Lupin or rather her moment with Moonie.

Hermione groaned as she rolled over waking up, her body would obviously go through many changes this month, as would her senses sharpening, increased appetite would be the first change to be sure....growlll...speaking of appetite, her stomach decided to make its displeasure known at the lack of food.

'Arggg Granger your stomach woke me up! Go feed the beast and let the rest of us sleep in! It's a Sunday for Merlin's sake!'. Lavender yelled

'Moving Lav, sorry.' Hermione responded

'It's ok 'mione, nzzzzzzz' Lavender mumbled/snored her response

Hermione laughed softly as she got up to get ready for the day.

Most people thought she hated Lavender Brown because she dated Ron briefly, however nothing could be further from the truth. The two had a cantankerous relationship, but they honestly loved teasing one another. Hermione was overjoyed when her friend dumped Ron, mainly because she had become one of those girls while dating Ron.

Hermione didn't think of herself as sexual in any kind of way, she just didn't have time for such frivolity. Even if she did think about it Ron would be the last person she would go for. He was a much better friend than possible love interest, and sometimes he wasn't even a good friend.

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