Meet the Grangers

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'Alright you win this one, but it has to be a quickie.'

Tonks laughed briefly at that, 'sure thing whatever you say. Just don't stop ahhhhh touching me nnnnggggghh.'

They had, what was supposed to be a quick romp, but turned into a little over a half hour where they almost destroyed another structure. Quickly buttoning up their clothing and tidying up their hair they stumbled out of the, now slightly shaking shed laughing.

They finally made it to the front door, disheveled and promptly!





at 7:13...


Meanwhile...7:05 in the Granger residence

Mrs. Granger glanced at her watch for what seemed like the hundredth time that evening.  It wasn't like Hermione to be late... 

Her daughter had always been the studious type, much like herself and the shy type much like her husband.  Such a sweet child, whom throughout the last few years had been  turning into a strong intelligent woman she was proud to call her daughter.  Her behavior this afternoon and evening had been a bit peculiar, she seemed nervous and dare she say giddy at the mention of her mysterious friend she was bringing home. 

The fact she had asked to bring a friend to meet them was odd in itself.  Her daughter, while she seemed to have many friends at her magic school, they never seemed to visit her at their own home.  Hermione had always gone to her friend's homes.  Not that Jean minded, she had met Mrs. Weasley many times and felt very comfortable with Molly watching over her young one, she was a lovely woman.  No, this time it felt different...

'Ouch!'  Jean had been lost in thought, stirring the food absentmindedly when she accidentally burned her finger.  This brought about her attention to the sounds coming from outside her home.

*bang bang* moan? Grrrrr

-Was that... a growl I just heard? We don't have dogs in this neighborhood...

She heard a ruckus again in their backyard.  Jean pulled the curtains back and looked out the window, but did not see anything. 

-That's odd...probably just stray cats.

*bang crash* and some more indescribable inhuman sounds

-Cats in heat maybe...wait, Is that old shed shaking?

  Jean said to herself.  Almost as if the building knew she was talking about it, the old thing stopped moving.  She stood there for a few minutes, not even sure if it had been moving at all to begin with.  She closed the curtains and shook her head laughing, must be a figment of her imagination.  She turned back to the dinner she was still preparing.  Meanwhile, after a brief pause the shed started moving again, nearly coming apart at the foundation.


Finally at 7:13 the front door opened to a disheveled Hermione.  Jean raised an eyebrow at her usually put together daughter quizzically.  Hermione nervously chuckled, and she was about to ask her daughter what happened to her, when she caught sight of the other witch next to her. 

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