Help, I think I'm in love

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As Harry and Eggsy walked out of the store Eggsy said "Soo, would ya wanna go 'n get some coffee and talk or somefhing? ..cause I dont even know your name.."

"Sure Eggsy, sure. And by the way, my name is Harry, Harry hart" the older terrier answered

As they walked down the road Eggsy could not take his eyes of Harry, he was really handsome. Actually, Eggsy had not even thought about him being gay, but now when he was thinking about kissing and actually.. fucking another man he started to think about it.

"Have you ever liked another man 'Arry?".. he didnt really mean to ask that, the words just kinda slipped out.

Harry looked surprised at Eggsy and said "Well that was a bit of a personal question Eggsy.. - but to answer your question, yes, yes I have"

Eggsy had been staring at Harry while he was talking, when he had finished talking he catched Eggsy staring at him. Eggsy quickly looked away and blushed, he hated that he had such a orange fur with white cheeks, because it always showed when he was blushing.

Harry noticed the blush but he did not say anything about it. 

When they came to the café they was about to order some coffee, Harry looked at Eggsy and said

"What do you want Eggsy?"

"Uhm, I fhink that I just want some coffee" Eggsy answered

"Okay, what size?" Harry asked

Eggsys thoughts flew away by that question, he knew what size he would want from Harry, however he had to answer his question, he     got a grin on his face and said "Dont you know that size doesnt matter 'Arry"

"Yes Eggsy but we are talking about coffee, and then size matters" Harry answered with a raised eyebrow

"Yeah sure, I'll take a small one then...." he took a pause but continued with "and you were right 'bout the last two words at least 'Arry.." he said quietly

Harry knew what Eggsy was thinking about, he was thinking about fucking Harry. And he could not say that he didnt think about the same thing really.

When they had got their coffee they sat down by a table. It was quiet a little while because neither of them knew what to say.

Eggsy had not even touched his coffee yet because he was busy staring at Harry.

Although he looked away every time Harry noticed.

Eggsy lifted up his coffee with both paws but could not help to gaze in to Harrys eyes.
He came back to the real world again and forgot about the thoughts when he felt a burning feeling on his paws.

"OUCH, WHAT THE FUCK!" Eggsy shouted as he placed the mug on the table again

Harry looked at him and said
"Maybe you should focus on drinking your coffee and stop daydreaming about me for a little while" with a wink on the end

Eggsy blushed and made a desperate attempt to hide it behind his coffeemug.

Harry looked at the little corgiboy and he noticed some pink spots on his cheeks everytime Harry looked at him.

Harry said "Would you want to follow me home after the coffee?"

Eggsy did not think that Harry knew what he had just said, Eggsy looked surprised and Harry continued with

"Ehm.. you know just maybe show you around my house and stuff"

Eggsy grinned and started to laugh. Harry looked really confused.

While Eggsy tried to get some air that he'd lost while laughing his ass off Harry asked "What is so funny?" And still looking really fucking confused

Eggsy still sitting there with a big grin as he answered "Ahahhah I'm so sorry 'Arry it's just that you sounded so nervous when u asked and then I started to laugh and you looked so focking confused and that made me laugh even more"

"Well I still dont understand whats the funny thing in that, but however, what will your answer be?" Harry said while trying really hard to not look confused or nervous

"Yeah sure 'Arry! We can surely have really fun a'your place bruv" Eggsy answered with a wink at the end 

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