1 year later

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It had been a year since Harry and Eggsy confessed their feelings for eachother.
A few months after the confession they decided that Eggsy would move in with Harry.

And here they are now, 1 year later, discussing if they would want to have puppies together.

Well, both of them are men so they would not be able to have biological puppies, but they were thinking about getting a surrogatemother or to adopt.

"Are u sure tha' u would be able to handle a bunch of puppies 'Arry? U know..u'r not so, kinda young.." Eggsy said while looking at Harry

"Eggsy my dear, of course I could. I can handle you when you're turned on,- so I think I would be able to handle some small puppies" Harry said with a big grin

Eggsy looked unimpressed at Harry for a while before he burst out with

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Harry laughed and said "Nothing Eggsy.. however,- what do you feel would be the best? Adoption or would it be better with a surrogatemom?

"Actually I dunno.. or I fhink it would be nice with a surrogatemom maybe, because then you can get to do your stuff with 'er, and the puppies would look like u!!" Eggsy said with a smile

Harry raised an eyebrow at Eggsy and said "Eggsy...by the way you react everytime you see me..I do not think it would be a good idea to have miniHarrys running around here" as he started to laugh

"U stupid, u really think I would get turned on by puppies? By our puppies? But sure, if u dont wanna.." Eggsy answered while looking unimpressed at Harry again

"No Eggsy it was a joke..I hope...,however, I was actually thinking about you as the one of us to do the thing with the surrogatemom" Harry said

"Oh really? Why?"

"Well, I guess it's the same reason as why you wanted it to be me? I would love to have miniEggsys running around here.."- he paused for a while as he saw that Eggsy started to grin -"No Eggsy...dont even think about saying anything about it.. I would still get my alonetime with you. And I may get turned on by you, but not by small puppies that are 50 years younger than me" Harry said

"Okay if you say so old dog..."- Eggsy said and continued with
"Guess we'll need to have some extra time alone before we get puppies then?"

Eggsy looked at Harry with a grin as he sat down in the older dogs lap and started to kiss him slowly.

Eggsy looked at Harry with a grin as he sat down in the older dogs lap and started to kiss him slowly

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