Merlin questioning Hartwin

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The next morning Eggsy woke up in Harrys sofa.. alone though.

He jumped of the sofa and walked away in to the kitchen, where he found Harry.

"Goodmorning sweetheart" Harry said

"Goo'mornin 'Arry" Eggsy answered just before he yawned

"Slept well tonight?"

"Yeah I guess so..I dreamt 'bout you..- I mean, I dreamt about..ehm- yeah.." Eggsy said while he felt his cheeks starting to burn.

"Oh my dear, what happened in the dream then?" Harry said while smiling

"Oh eh just..-just nothing...nothing special really.. or..well we, m-may have kissed 'n stuff"

"..'n stuff? What does that mean my sweet boy?" Harry asked a little bit teasingly

"Ehm.. I, may have.. kinda..laid in your bed, while you, kinda, did stuff"

"There it is again, 'stuff', tell me dear"

"Well 'Arry.. you kinda" Eggsy inhaled alot of air and quickly said  "fucked me"..

"Oh, Eggsy tha-" Harry didnt get to end the sentence before he got a call from Merlin, a slender mastiff that worked at Kingsman aswell.

"Hello Harry, sorry for calling you so earl-" Merlin paused for a little while. -"What is Eggsy doing in your house?"

Eggsy grinned at Harry and whispered- "U got a lot to explain now 'Arry" -and of course with a teasing wink at the end

"Yeah uhm Merlin, he just came here a little while ago you know, to talk about work and stuff" Harry answered Merlin

"Harry you're really bad at lying sometimes, you know that?" He took a pause "However, we can talk about this later. You two need to come here to let me show you a thing"

Later on when Merlin had shown Harry and Eggsy a thing on his computer he asked Eggsy "So what were you really doing at Harrys place this morning?"

"I just.." Eggsy tried to come up with something to say

"The truth Eggsy.." Merlin said when he noticed that the boy was thinking about something to say

"Well, okay.. uhm actually I-" He could not answer this time either, but this time it was Harrys fault, he broke in with

"Actually Merlin, me and this boy here were sitting in my sofa and while we were talking Eggsy fell asleep, so I let him sleep there over night"

"Okay..sure, but, I still need an explanation on why Eggsy were at your place from the beginning" Merlin said while looking at Harry with a raised eyebrow

"Well, if I'll tell you the truth, we went out to take a coffee together, Eggsy burnt his paws and I offered him to follow me home so I could take care of his paws"

"Okay I guess that will be an excuse as good as I can get.." Merlin answered.. although he knew that they did not tell him the whole truth.

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