I got tagged!

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I've been tagged!!!!!!!


Yes indeed. But it's alright I'm still alive. My tagger is:

Alright, enough drama.

Q: Hair color??

A: It depends on the season. In summer it's a really dark kinda sandy color but in winter it's a toffee color (fun fact: my hair is the darkest out of my sisters).

Q: Eye color??

A: Grayish-blue. But if I stare at a screen too long it turns green but only to me.

Q: Favourite book??

A: Um... er... I don't really know... It depends on my mood and what I've been reading lately. I'm really liking the Harry Potter series though.

Q: Favourite color??

A: Black, green, and silver. Slytherin all the way.

Q: Last song heard??

A: This is me from the Greatest Showman. (Best movie EVER!). Btw High School Musical fans Zac Effron is in this movie.

Q: OTP??

A: Hmm. I don't really know what this means but I think it has to do with ship names. Taco or Tady (it's my older brother and his wife's ship name. Tasha and Cody).

Q: Favourite animal??

A: Does it have to be real? If not Centaur or Phoenix if so Weasels (it's my Patronus).

Q: Favorite smell??

A: Probably the smell of chocolate or the smell of sweat and hairspray backstage.

Q: Favourite song??

A: Hmmm... probably Let you down by NF but Wolves by Selena Gomez and Marshmello is in a close second. Marshmello is my favorite artist.

Q: Job/What do you want to be when you grow up?

A: Either an Actress, Lawyer, Senator, President, or maybe all of these in order (gotta dream big guys).

Q: Favourite game??

A: I don't really play video games but I do love chess (#NerdLife).

Q: What would you do with a million dollars??

A: Oh dang, that's tough. Probably save some of it for college, get tickets to the Broadway musicals Alexander Hamilton and Newsies for me my friends and family and me, and when I get a youtube channel use what money I have left for a secret act of service like Stuart Edge does.

Q: Crush??

A: Meh, don't have one. My rule is to let the boys run after you and then if you like 'em good for them and if you don't they'll probably find someone willing to drool over them.

Q: Anime/TV crush??

A: I'm not really the crush type but I guess I do get seizures over Thomas Brodie Sangster a lot I mean just look at him! He is so hot it burns my eyes!

A: I'm not really the crush type but I guess I do get seizures over Thomas Brodie Sangster a lot I mean just look at him! He is so hot it burns my eyes!

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Q: Favourite food??


Q: What did you get for Valentine's day this year??

A: Chocolate and a birthday present. My birthday is the day after Valentine's day.

Q: Who do you think would win a battle easily??

A: Most definitely Dwayne Johnsen.

Q: Best friends??

A: I HAVE SO MANY! And because my computer is being dumb it won't let me tag them at all so you know who you are.

Now tag five people which my stupid computer won't let me do so I'm just gonna put their names.






'Til next time!


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