*Dramatic Head Turn!*

6 2 0

Q.1: Do you have a crush?

A.1: No.

Q.2: What is your middle name?

A.2: Shiphrah.

Q.3: How tall are you?

A.3: 5'6

Q.4: What is your shoe size?

A.4: *Checks shoe* 9 1/2 wide

Q.5: What is your eye color?

A.5: *Runs to the mirror* Dark blue

Q.6: What was the last time you tried?

A.6: I think it means what is the last thing you tried. Being nice to my little sister. It's hard.

Q.7: What is your biggest fear?

A.7: Cars. I would avoid them completely if I didn't have to get places.

Q.8: What is the last song you listened to?

A.8: Rewrite the Stars from the Greatest Showman.

Q.9: Who is the last person you texted?

A.9: My mom.

Q.10: What is your favorite app?

A.10: Wattpad!

Q.11: Can you tag 20 people?

A.11: No.

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