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Have tagged me.

Do you like someone? Yes. His code name is Prince. Not gonna tell anyone his real name though.

Do they like you back?

I don't think so. :( Fun story though: Krayzee got the part as his wife in a musical we're in.

Middle name?

Shiphrah after the midwife who saved all the babys in the bible. My mom chose it because she used to be a midwife and even published a book on it.

Single or taken?

Taken. His name is food.

Girl best friend(s)?

There is a lot of them!

Guy best friend(s)?

There is a lot of those too. Some from my plays, some from my homeschool group, etc.

The last person, you texted?

It was a guy friend of mine. We were talking about his ex-girlfriend so I made it fair and told him my crush. (Not him but one of my other guy friends.)

Last song you listened to?

Friends by Marshmello

Battery percentage?

Um, 0%. This computer doesn't have a batterie so we need to charge it continually.

Lock screen?

I couldn't find it on my computer but I did find this!

I couldn't find it on my computer but I did find this!

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The reason you made Wattpad?

I like writing and Krayzee told me about it.


February 15. Day after single awareness day (Valentine's day).

Twenty tags

I would but it's not letting me and it only lets you only tag those you are following and I'm not following very many people so I'm just gonna tag one person.

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