The Games pt.2 (6)

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"Look behind, death. Look ahead, death. Look beside you, and you might just find safety."

OceanJust as I had finally found a comfortable position, the Capitol anthem began to play signalling that they were showing today's fallen tributes

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Just as I had finally found a comfortable position, the Capitol anthem began to play signalling that they were showing today's fallen tributes. I roll over to my back and push myself up so I'm leaning against Finnick's leg. "I counted eight," I say to everyone but I breathe a sigh of relief when I don't see Johanna's picture up there. 

Just as they finish we hear the tell tale whistle of a sponsor gift. Katniss immediately jumps up and runs over too the small metal box. "Drink up?" Katniss says confused looking at the oddly shaped object. "What is it?" I ask, "it's from Haymitch," Katniss replies "I think it's a spiel." "A what?" Finnick asks, neither of us had ever heard of this small object. Katniss runs over too one of the trees and starts hitting the spiel into the tree with a rock. When she finished hitting it she just stood there staring at the spiel. After about five minutes fresh water started pouring out of the spiel. Each of us take turns drinking the water, I splashed some on my face and had a good long drink before giving up my spot under the water. I hadn't had any good water since this torture cage began there is no way I was giving this up. After a while of taking turns drinking the water we all went back to our positions either sleeping or watching. 

After about and hour of lying on the ground uncomfortably these clock like chimes started playing. I sat up too suddenly and my back starts aching. "I counted twelve," Katniss said when they stopped. "Midnight?" Finnick said, "or the number of districts," Katniss finished. Then everything went quiet for a second before the lightning started. Twelve strikes all to the same tree, this huge tree taller than any other you could see it from anywhere. "Well if you aren't going to sleep, I will," Finnick said, "okay," Katniss responded before stationing herself to face the other way. Finnick came over and payed next to me, hugging me close he said, "Thank you for still being here, I don't think I could do this without you," I turn around to face him and smile, I kissed his cheek too before laying down fully and falling into a light slumber. 

I wake up to a strangled scream before Katniss yells, "Run! Run! The fog is poison!" Finnick is up first before grabbing my hand and helping me up. The two of us run as far in the other direction as we could whilst still keeping Katniss and Peeta in our view. As we're running the fog starts coming in from all different sides. Suddenly Katniss falls over and Peeta runs back to rescue her but as she is getting stung by the fog so does he. Peeta already being injured isn't helpful at all Katniss can't carry him and we don't know what to do, I'm fine now so I can walk so we hoist Peeta onto our shoulders as we walk as fast as we can away from the fog. Out of nowhere the ground under our feet falls away and we fall down a hill anything but graciously. As I hit the bottom black dots start coming into my vision and slowly the world fades away into blackness. 

I'm awoken by an incredibly painful sting on my body. I slowly begin to see better and I make out Finnick next to me holding me down and rubbing the blisters from the fog off my skin. In a small pond of water. When I was fully awake I started to watch as Finnick started to submerge my leg. "Shh it's alright O, I'm just getting the blisters off your skin," He tells me. "Is she alright?" I hear Katniss ask from behind Finnick, "Yeah I'm alright Katniss," I respond. As I'm lying there I look up into the trees and see this monkey like animal in the tree. "Mutts," I whisper to Katniss and Finnick. 

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