The Games pt.3 (7)

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"You don't need to be psychotic to be a killer. You just need a reason,"

 You just need a reason,"

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Finnick and I were sitting in the water just staring out at nothing in particular. I could here a faint mumbling of the others talking on the beach but I only caught a few words like Seiana and Annie. Neither of us paid much attention. All of a sudden Johanna comes down the beach calling the two of us up. Beetee had a plan and it required all of us. When the three of us were back up the top Beetee started explaining. 

"Where do the careers feel safest, the jungle?" Beetee started. "The jungles a nightmare, no way" I respond, "then probably here on the beach," Peeta finished. "then why aren't they here?" Beetee asks again, "because we are! We claimed it," Johanna says starting to sound exasperated. "And if we left they would come?" Beetee states, "or stay hidden in the tree line" Finnick pipes up. "Which in just over four hours will be soaked from the ten o'clock wave. And the what happens at midnight?" Beetee says. "The lightning strikes that tree," Katniss says. "So this is what I propose," Beetee starts, "we leave the beach at dusk, we head to the lighting tree, that should draw them back to the beach, prior to midnight we then run this wire" signalling to the wire in his lap "from the tree to the water, anyone in the water or in the damp sand will get electrocuted," Beetee finishes explaining.

"How do we know that the wire isn't going to burn up!" Johanna states trying to find some problem with the plan. "because I invented it, I assure you it won't burn up," Beetee responds. "Well its better than hunting them down..." I say, "yeah why not, if it fails no harm done anyway right?" Katniss says. "alright I say we try it," Peeta agrees. "So what can we do to help?" I ask, "keep me alive for the next 6 hours, that would be extremely helpful..." Beetee responds. 

Later on when the sky was turning to dusk, Finnick was out in the water practicing with his trident to keep himself calm while the rest of us were talking. After a while Katniss and Peeta went further down the beach to have a quite chat. "They want to leave." I state, "we've gotten them this far and now we are no longer a use to them, they want to win." "Their insane, they think that if they leave that we still won't hurt them!" Johanna exclaims "I can tell you right now if they leave us I will hunt the down." 

"Alright lovebirds!" Johanna yells down the beach as we all start the trek towards the lightning tree. On the walk to the tree I held tightly to Finnick's hand whilst still having a tight grip on the knives for if I see the careers or if either of the 'star-crossed lovers' bolts. About half way through the hike the fallen start playing, we stop for a moment just watch. 

All of a sudden we come across a giant tree trunk and we know that we've arrived. "minimal charring, it's an impressive conductor, lets get started," Beetee says before walking towards the tree to start wrapping the coil around. Finnick and I take our spots as defense on one side while Johanna takes the other. Katniss and Peeta help Beetee with the coil. When he finishes Beetee hands the coil to Johanna and starts talking "you to girls take this, un-spool it carefully, make sure the entire coil is in the water, you understand? then head to the tree in the two o'clock sector, we'll meet you there." Beetee explains carefully. 

"I'm gonna go with them as a guard." Peeta says warily and I know this is where the two 'star-crossed lovers' expect to say goodbye to the rest of us. "Oh no, you are staying here to protect me, and the tree." Beetee says, shooting down that idea quickly. "No I need to go with her," Peeta says stressing the 'need'. "no no no, I have a front and a back and two sides, and so does the tree, so technically we need eight guards but three will have to suffice. as there are two careers out there and who knows where they are coming from." Beetee responds. "Finnick and Ocean can protect you just fine on their owns!" Peeta says starting to get agitated. "Yeah why can't Johanna, Finnick and Ocean protect you and Peeta and I take the coil?" Katniss says also with a frustrated tone. 

"You all agreed to keep me alive till midnight correct?" Beetee asks rhetorically, "it's his plan, we all agreed to it," I say snapping slightly. "Is there a problem here?" Finnick asks, "excellent question," Beetee says, giving Katniss a pointed look. "No" Katniss responds fed up, "there is no problem," Katniss goes and give Peeta a goodbye and Johanna starts walking off calling behind her for Katniss to follow, and after another look at Peeta she does. 

As they walk off Finnick and I position ourselves around the tree scouting out the area as to figure out any possible ways the careers could get to us. After about 20 minutes the originally tight wire suddenly goes slack. Finnick and I look at each other as Peeta bolts, to me it looked like it was Katniss who cut the wire so she could run with Peeta. Suddenly we here a scream of pain and we understand whats going on. The plan is in action and Johanna just cut out Katniss's tracker. We could hear Peeta yelling for Katniss as he searched for her. 

Quickly Finnick ran off towards the yells of Peeta coming back about 5 minutes later. I ran back from my spot about a minutes after Beetee accidentally hit the force field and Katniss had run up to help. She quickly got side tracked with the wire. All of a sudden Finnick ran back looking for Katniss, I was hiding behind a bush not far away watching Katniss ready to shoot Finnick my heart was beating out of my chest and as I was about to yell out Finnick stops. He stares directly at her and says calmly, "remember who the real enemy is Katniss." those words seemed to it her and she lowered her bow and stopped for just a moment and then the thunder rang out. 

She got to her feet quicker than lightning and started wrapping the wire around one of her arrows. "Katniss! No!" yelled just as Finnick yelled "Katniss get away from that tree!" The two of us kept repeating ourselves as she blatantly ignore us and reading herself to shoot at the top of the dome. 

Just as the lightning hit Katniss shot the arrow and she went flying and so did Finnick and I due to our close proximity to the tree. All of a sudden everything went black, it all just stopped working. 

The roof started falling, the light from the real world started coming in. I was lying on the ground not far from Katniss but far enough that I couldn't see her nor Finnick and I just lay there as my whole false reality caved in. I saw the big ships come in and pick up Katniss and Finnick, I saw a ship fly over me and a crane like structure coming down to pick me up just as the world went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2019 ⏰

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