Chapter 1: Michael In The Bathroom (At a Party)

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"Loser". The word tumbled out of Jeremy's mouth, like the single echo that started an avalanche. The party glared behind Michael as his sweaty palm let go of the door knob attached to the locked bathroom door.
"Loser". The word finally made its way to Michael's brain after it stopped in his ears from pure shock. He sat on the toilet, beginning to comprehend what just happened.
Jeremy. Sweet, awkward, geeky, adorable, Jeremy. Had called him a loser. The boy whose smile made Michael's day. The boy who thought about every word that came out of his mouth, who stuttered trying to say the right thing. The boy who worried about every situation possible.
The boy who Michael was deeply in love with.
He began rocking back in forth on the toilet seat. "Just a dude, hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall. I could stay right here or disappear and nobody's even notice at all."
"This isn't my fault. This isn't my fault." Michael attempted to convince himself as an ocean of tears threatened to break free from his chestnut eyes.
A sick weed began growing at the pit of his stomach.
"Hi everyone! I'm Michael, and I'm a gay dude with social anxiety! My buddy kinda left me here alone. He also happens to be my only friend who comes to me for advice about his straight crush, a sweet girl who notices him just as much as he notices my issues!" The ocean of tears flowed down his reddened cheeks and into his "Creeps" shirt.
"Why do I feel so awful? Oh right, because my long time crush thinks I'm a loser! I am a loser, aren't I? I mean, you can't not be a loser if you hang out in the bathroom during high school parties. Pathetic. This is just sad. I'm so pathetic." Michael's fingers twitched and he arched his back as he began to tremble. Goosebumps quickly formed on his feverish arms.
"I have regret the beers. I'm just Michael in the bathroom-" Michael sobbed. "Michael in the bathroom at a party. As I choke back the tears. I'll wait as long as I need till my face is dry, or I'll just blame it on weed or something in my eye! I'm just Michael, who ya don't know, Michael flying solo, Michael in the bathroom by himself! All by himself!"
"This is it. This is how I go. I'm gonna die in here." Michael began hyperventilating.
Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser. Loser.
The word repeated itself in his brain faster than his racing heartbeat, the only thing keeping the rush of bad memories from flooding it. Too late. Michael began remembering every single embarrassing thing he had ever done around Jeremy. He barely kept himself from screeching at the pain his memories caused. No one can escape the prison that is they're thoughts. Michael would know, he's tried.
Michael staggered as he stood, and slowly looked down at his fists. Then the mirror. He swiftly brought his clenched fingers to the hard glass. Bloody cuts and bruises formed along his hand, although the crack in the mirror wasn't that large. "I'm so weak." He thought. "Weak and pathetic!"
He whacked his forehead on the toilet seat multiple times as hard as possible, as if somehow that would pour the memories out of his ears like blood. Like the blood that was dripping from his ears. He brought a hand to his ear as a wave of nausea overtook him and he vomited in the toilet.
"I'm gonna die in here. And not a single person will notice nor care. I'm just Michael, who's a loner, so he must be a stoner. Rides a PT Cruiser, god he's such a loser! Michael in the bathroom by himself! All by himself! And all you know about me is my name. Awesome party. I'm so glad I came."
He doubled over at the toilet again as the door swung open.

𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒: Hm... who could that be? Boy, do I wonder... Please comment "and remember to subscribe!" Wait... you can't subscribe on here. (pun intended) Nevermind, but do comment!

BMC AU Michael In The BathroomWhere stories live. Discover now