Chapter 5: Rides a P.T. Cruiser, but he's not a loser

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𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒: Get ready for some gAy... Jeremy's really gay and oblivious in this chapter... 

Jeremy Heere slowly pulled the delicate Michael into his long arms and struggled to unlock and open the bathroom door. He made his way through the loud crowd, and without the squip, the boys were paid no attention. Not to mention everyone else was too drunk to notice them.
"Where did he park his car?" Jeremy thought, trudging down Jake's driveway, full of cars. Michael was being held bridal style, his glasses in Jeremy's pocket and his keys in Jeremy's hand, which he had found in his pocket.
Luckily, Jeremy had gotten a ride to the party with Brooke so he wouldn't have to leave his car.
Jeremy leaned back the passenger seat and laid Michael down in it before getting into the driver's side. He still couldn't decide why he wanted Michael in the front and leaned back the seat instead of just placing him in the back. He got behind the wheel and looked left to right at all the gears and gadgets.
Then Michael. His thick eyelashes were wet from tears and silvery snot crawled from his nostril, along with drops of drool falling from his mouth like rain.
"No matter what happens, my favorite person will always look adorable when he sleeps." He thought. "Jeremy what the hell?! You shouldn't be having these thoughts about your best friend!" "Wait...... doesn't everyone think they're best friend is cute? They do, right? Right?!"

"Why am I expecting a response, I'm talking to myself."

Jeremy had never noticed how pretty his eyelashes were, not even when he didn't wear his glasses. Of course, there was something about the way Michael pushed up his thick rimmed glasses (then smiled with satisfaction) that made Jeremy want to squeal, like the way a person does when they see videos of cute baby animals.
Jeremy pulled into the driveway of Michael's house and clambered down the steps into the basement (after grappling with the door with Michael in his arms), where he set Michael down on the pullout couch.

Michael shivered after being set down, and Jeremy noticed goosebumps on his arms even after a fuzzy blanket was put on him.

"I'll be right back, buddy." Jeremy thought.

He ambled up the creaky stairs with purpose, not noticing Michael bolt awake.

𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇'𝓈 𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒: Whoop sorry... it might be a while until I update... but you never know...

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