Je ne Parle pas en Anglais!

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Third Person P.O.V
Severus Snape Said, "Potter, speak English! Not French! Nobody can understand what you're saying!"
Harry just looked up at him with a confused look on his heart shaped face.
Draco realized that little Potter was really cute with his dorky, round glasses covering one emerald green eye and one olive green eye and with his full, plump, juicy, cherry blossom-pink lips, all of those astounding features on his quite cute and feminine, heart-shaped face. His face was framed by short, wavy, raven-black locks that were very cutely messy. Harry's ears were slightly pointed at the top, making him look a little like an elf from a fairytale or something. The only problems with Hadrian Potter's perfect features were the few scars and cuts on the boy's face- including the thin, lightning bolt one- and the tears that were threatening to fall out of the tiny boy's eyes.
Surprisingly, Draconis Lucius Malfoy walked up to Hadrian James Potter and asked, "Est-ce que tu peux parler en Anglais?"(Can you speak English?)
"Non, je ne peux pas! Est-ce la langue que tout le monde parle?" (No, I can't speak English! Is that the language that everyone is speaking?) Harry asked.
"Oui," (Yes) Draco answered.
"Oh. Mais je ne peux pas comprendre ce que quelqu'un dit! Je suis confus et peur et je préfère être dans mon placard qu'ici!" (Oh. But I can't understand what anyone is saying! I'm confused and scared and I'd rather be in my cupboard than in here!) Harry said, his eyes tearing up.
"Qu'est que tu veux dire, 'Ton placard'?" (What do you mean, 'your cupboard') asked Draco.
"Oh, non! Je vais définitivement être mort cette fois," (Oh, no! I'm definitely gonna be dead this time,) Said Harry worriedly.
"That's enough, boys! Nobody else can understand what you two are talking about!" A terribly annoyed and aggravated Professor Snape half-yelled, not wanting to startle the young Potter boy and make him cry loudly, giving everyone within hearing range a horrible migraine.
Harry gripped Draco's robes with clammy, cold and small fingers, pressed his face into Draco's neck and tried to hide as Professor Snape semi-yelled at the two boys.
Snape mentally prepped himself for what he thought was to come- which was Harry screaming his head off and throwing a tantrum.
"S'il vous plaît, s'il vous plaît ne me blesse pas! Je ferais tout!" (Please, please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!) Harry pleaded.
"Look, now you've scared him! Great job, Severus!" Said Draco angrily to his godfather.
After that, Draco whispered into Harry's ear, "Shh, ça va aller, Hadrian. Calmes-tu. Il ne te fera pas de mal." (Shh, it's going to be okay, Hadrian. Calm down. He won't hurt you)
Then, when Snape tried to pick Harry up again, Harry shouted, "NON! JE N'AI PAS D'ÊTRE PORTÉ! JE NE SUIS PAS IN BEBÉ! J'AI DÉJÀ CINQ ANS!" (No! I don't need to be carried! I'm not a baby! I'm already five years old!)
"Professor," Draco stated, "He's already five years old. He can walk by himself!"
"How do you know that?" Professor Snape snapped. "He didn't tell you!"
"It's true, Potter didn't tell me that he was five years old, he was attempting to tell you!" Draco exclaimed annoyedly.
The professor just looked at Draco as if he had just grown three extra heads, five large, hairy, twenty-four inch dicks and was nude.
"You know when Harry was saying, 'J'ai déjà cinq ans'? That meant, 'I'm already five years old'!" Draco exclaimed, "Allez, Potter. Nous allons voir le directeur à parler à ce sujet," (Come, Potter. We're going to see the Headmaster to talk about this) Draco said while he was pulling the tiny boy along behind him.
"Mais, j'ai peur! Je ne veux pas aller voir le directeur," (but, I'm scared! I don't want to go see the Headmaster,) Harry said, biting his plump, pink lower lip.
"Oh for god's sake, Potter, get a grip!" Draco complained angrily in English.
Harry didn't understand a single word.

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