Eren x Armin AU (request)

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This was requested by myfavouriteisblack

An eremin fan fiction with a little lemons...

Holy shit where do I begin...

Pls don't kill me, I don't write lemons but I'll give it a shot :)


I was in class early for the last period, as usual, sitting at my desk reading my favourite book.

To tell you the truth, I wasn't reading to be honest.

I was looking out for a particular someone.

In fact, a particular hazel haired, turquoise eyed someone.

And before I knew it, he was right there.

"Hey Armin!" Eren walked into the class with his bag slinging against his slightly muscular chest and gave me his lovely smile of his I always admired at.

I cannot help but feel my cheeks heating up as he sat besides me.

"Mmm... Hey Eren..." I mumbled softly as I buried my face in the book I was pretending to read.

"err, Armin, I was wondering... if... You know...we could...." Eren stuttered as he fumbled his fingers nervously while scratching his head,

"Yes?? " I hinted for him to continue and my mind tried to make up what he was trying to say.

"We could ... go have ice cream after school? I heard there's this new stall a few blocks away from here and their ice creams are CRAZY DELICIOUS!"

My heart kinda sank.

"sure, Eren! That sounds great!" I beamed. But inside I felt crushed.

I thought my life long crush would actually say something for once like:

Your eyes are so pretty

Your hair is so beautiful

Can we go out sometime?

Yes, I know I'm totally aware that I'm NOT straight. It's just the way I am, deal with it.

Eren smiled back. "Sure thing!" he said, just before our History teacher walked in.

-time skip-

Eren POV

I watched as he scribbled notes on his textbook and how the way his blond locks fell onto his face every time he tried to brush them out from his eyes.

The way his sapphire eyes shifted across the room and the way it glitters when someone complements him.

I loved everything about it...

How can I tell him that?

-time skip-

After the ice cream, Armin was looking pretty satisfied.

I offered to walk him home.

At his door, he spoke, "Thanks, Eren. I had a great time today."

"No problem, oh yeah, and one more thing-" I said, then I held the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss.

Armin was totally flustered.

"Eren! What was that for?!"

Oh no... Shit, maybe he doesn't feel the same...

-armins POV -

Holy shit

Did Eren just kissed me?!

"I'm sorry," Eren said, with a tinge of regret, "I'm so sorry, Armin, I ...I"

He was cut of my my lips crashing into his as I slid my hands to the back of his neck. Eren was taken aback, but slowly, his palms held onto my waist and he deepened into the kiss.

I felt his tongue entering my mouth. He did it so passionately that I was actually thinking whether it was a dream or not.

Finally, we broke.

He gave me a smug smile , "Wanna continue this inside?"

I gripped him tighter, "There's nothing I'd rather do."

Eren lifted me off the ground and carried me bridal style up the stairs and to my room.

I pressed my lips on his as he placed me on my bed.

We didn't stop kissing until he got on the bed as well.

His hand went inside my sweater from the back, making me moan in pleasure. He took this chance and slipped his tongue into my mouth, exploring every corner. I wrapped my hands around his neck and my legs around his waist, bringing him closer to me, asking for more.

He started placing kisses on my neck, that turned into licks. My hands flew onto his shirt and started to unbutton it, revealing his muscular chest. I placed my arms around his body and snuggled there, while Eren smirked at the sight.

I felt Eren's hands on my sweater, taking it out. I immediately blushed when I realised what he was doing.

"Eren?" I hated to interrupt.

"Hmm, Armin?" he said, between breaths while kissing my chest.

"Is this serious?" I asked.

Eren looked up. "What do you think?"

I didn't answer.

Eren smiled.

"Then I'll make it serious." Eren said.

He wrapped an arm around me and used his other hand to cover us with my blanket.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2014 ⏰

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