Just a little message...

421 1 0

Hi everyone.
When I started writing this book I had no idea that 439 people would read it.

Like wow

I know it's not the biggest number and that other books have like 10K but to me that 439 readers is a massive number.

I only expected it to reach like...8

As this book has done well I was wondering if you would want me to carry on the story? I'd have to read through my book again to remind myself about it all but I don't mind.

I would also really appreciate it if you read more of my different stories such as my Harry Potter art. I also did a Dan and Phil story (but some of you might not be fans of them, if so that's fine)

So thank you for taking the time out of your life to read through my story!

Bye for now!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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