Transcript: Session 1 - Layla Keegan

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Layla Keegan - Case History


In light of the events which occurred on the February 14th, 2012, the Crown Prosecution Service requested that all notes, tapes and transcripts of recordings I made during my sessions with Layla Keegan during 2011/12, should be made available to both the prosecution and defence lawyers involved in the upcoming trial. The attached transcripts form a part of an intense course of psychotherapy Layla undertook after the death of Kelly Stone - a little under a year before the events of February this year. Throughout these transcripts, where possible, the names of minors and other persons have been redacted or altered for data protection requirements.

The following transcripts contained within this report are taken from sessions which began in early July 2011 and ended on February 13th, 2012.

Dr. M Bloom.

June 15th, 2012


Session 1

Outline of current circumstances and medical health:

Layla is, I am led to believe, a traumatised female, aged 15. After recovering fully from a severe blow to the head - caused by as yet undetermined circumstances - Layla appears to be medically fit, with no history of serious illness, apart from a recent bout of glandular fever in March this year. She is usually physically fit with no known drug or alcohol issues, or indeed any previous history of mental illness.

Furthermore, her mother and GP have informed me that she is a keen runner and once represented the school athletics team; although, after her recent trauma, she has informed both hospital specialists and her own GP that she has yet to reach the peak fitness she once enjoyed before the incident. (See Police Report - Appendix A)

After the above incident, Layla was referred to police child protection officers and specialist counsellors in a bid to fully understand the events she and her friend, Kelly Stone, endured on that fateful April day earlier this year.

It is worth noting from the outset, that the coroner recorded an open verdict on the death of Kelly Stone. The police, unable to fully clear Layla of any wrong-doing, or fully rule out criminal circumstances for what occurred that day, suggested to her mother that Layla should attend sessions with me, in the hope that she will be able to fully recollect what occurred to her and her friend on the day in question.

The police investigation into Kelly's death is still on-going, due to Layla's inability to give a coherent account of what happened on the day of Kelly's death, to both the officers leading the investigation into her death or indeed to the inquest jury.

Layla's GP, and the doctors who treated her at the hospital after the event, believe she may be suffering from a form of dissociative amnesia, probably as a result of the trauma suffered after the events she witnessed that day, rather than from the blow to the head - which led to her being found unconscious at the place where Kelly Stone plunged to her death. Although the blow to her head cannot be fully ruled out - especially as her doctors said that when first admitted to hospital she seemed to be suffering from concussion - they all agree, it may not be the primary source of the amnesia. Also, after recent x-rays and further CAT scans, it appears there has been no long-lasting physical damage resulting from the blow to her head that day.

Since the lengthy investigations by both police and the inquest jury, Layla's behaviour at home has been described by her mother as extremely difficult and trying. I was further informed that Layla's relationships with both her mother and stepfather have similarly deteriorated.

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