Transcript: Session 13 - Layla Keegan

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Layla Keegan Case History

Session 13

Dr. B: You spoke briefly last week about your new friend, S-- isn't it?

Layla: S--, yeah.

Dr. B: What's she like?

Layla: In some ways she reminds me of Kelly.

Dr. B: Oh really. In what ways?

Layla: She's pretty. Not stunning or strikingly beautiful - not in that completely obvious way! But

lovely. Bit of a tomboy. Plays guitar, into her music. Thinks for herself...

Dr. B: Bit of a tomboy? Is she-

Layla: No. And don't even go there!

[Brief silence]

Dr. B Anything else about her you like?

Layla: She's kind. Kind of innocent, too. She sees the best in people, I think. Bit naïve.

Dr. B: Kind. Do you like that quality others?

Layla: Because I lack it, you mean?

[Brief silence]

Dr. B: No, just that you said the same thing about Kelly.

[Brief silence]

Layla: She's got a boyfriend.

Dr. B: Why would that affect your friendship?

Layla: Because he's a prick. Anyway, we're not as close now since she's hooked up with him...And we'll be going our different ways soon when we leave school. So pointless trying to build a friendship when...

[Brief silence]

Dr. B: Don't you want to stay friends with her, after you finish school, I mean.

Layla: Don't think the boyfriend likes me. Doesn't like E--, either. [Silence] Used to bully E-- too. Used to be part of a gang of bullies.

Dr. B: You don't talk as much about E-- these days. You said he was your best friend at school.

Layla: He wants us to begin seeing each other. Wants to be my boyfriend. What a laugh that is!

Dr. B: Why?

Layla: I've told you?

Dr. B: Told me what?

Layla: I'm not into boys.

Dr. B: I thought you said there's no such thing as straight or gay or that wasn't as important anymore.

Layla: It isn't. Just that I prefer certain types of people to others.

Dr. B: Prefer females?

[Silence, approximately 20 seconds]

Dr. B: Was that an issue for Kelly?

Layla: Don't know.

Dr. B: Did she know you preferred girls?

Layla: Don't know.

Dr. B: Did you tell her?

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