Transcript: Session 10 - Layla Keegan

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Layla Keegan - Case History

Session 10


Dr. B: Good afternoon, Layla. How are you today?

Layla: Okay, I suppose.

Dr. B: Did you have a nice birthday?

Layla: It was fine. Mum had a family get together. Loads of nice food. And champagne. My granddad came, which was nice. My dad's dad. I hadn't seen him in ages. He's not too well. But it was nice to see him. And Mum bought me a treadmill for my birthday.

Dr. B: Just what you always wanted.

[No reply]

Dr. B: Did any of your school friends attend?

Layla: No, just family. And my stepdad.


Dr. B: And how is school?

Layla: Can I ask you something?

Dr. B: Anything you wish, fire away?

Layla: Why is it women like to fuck over other women?

Dr. B: Wow! Talk about a toughie.

Layla: Is it all to do with our biology? Our nature?

Dr. B: Do you mean as a process of evolution?

Layla: Yeah. [Pause] But I shouldn't really be talking about evolution.

Dr. B: Why is that?

Layla: My new school holds classes on what it calls intelligent design.

Dr. B: Creationism?

Layla: They don't call it that.

Dr. B: I can see why.

Layla: Anyway, we still get taught evolution in science. They allow that. Very kind of them of to do so. But we have to sit through hours and hours of this intelligent design rubbish in RE. Our Art teacher told me that they can't teach it in science or they'd lose funding. But Brookvale Free School has a special sponsor, a businessman who gives extra money to the school. He kinda believes in the literal meaning of the Bible, and all this intelligent design stuff his idea. So it gets taught in RE.

Dr.B: Oh yes, I know the school now. I recall reading about it in the newspaper a while back. A lot of controversy there a couple of years ago, I seem to remember.

Layla: Do you believe in any of it?

Dr. B: Well, as a doctor and somebody who studied science...

Layla: I thought not. Anyway, if this businessman came and visited the school more often, if he had a good look around at how some of the lads behaved, he'd soon change his mind about not believing in evolution. Some of the boys...I swear they're monkeys with better table manners. [pause] How could they not be related?

Dr. B: So you have a great deal of religious studies on the curriculum?

Layla: I've been going to catholic schools since I was 4, but these people are mental. Religious nutcases.

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