Chapter 1: The Hallway Encounter

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Chapter 1: The Hallway Encounter

Ah yes. The hallway. My second hated place in the school next to the lobby. It was the first day of the second semester and people are flocked, usually to share their holiday experience. I just continued walking while trying to ignore the stares of some people. It's okay as long as I have my headphones in my ears.

I decided to go to my usual hiding place which is the veranda. Normally, people go here during their free time to study, to play, or just to wait for the time and not many people loiter here.

I was near the entrance when I heard a familiar voice that's probably embedded in my brain. It was the same appealing bass voice I've been dying to hear for the whole holidays. Lub dub. Lub dub. Oh man, not again! My heartbeat seems to race whenever I saw his handsome face that's just so goddamn irresistible to not stare at it! I took a glance and saw him with someone else.

Oh. He was talking to his girlfriend Heather. 

Heather. That sneaky little bitch! Nope. Just joking. She's actually a nice and pretty girl, it's just that she's a lucky girl who owns the heart of the man I love. Yuck! That sound so corny!

 I was a Freshman when I met Dash. I was just adjusting to my college life when I met him. My first impression was that he's just your regular spoiled rich fuccboi type but I was totally wrong. Well not totally wrong since he was my classmate in my first year while he was in second year. Apparently he never cares well about his studies that he was required to retake Economics 101.

I still remember that day when he and I met. I was alone sitting at the back hoping no one would enter the classroom anymore since it was the second week of class; but after 15 minutes when the class has already started, someone fearlessly entered on the door located in front and not the one at the back. Of course Ms. Josephine, our teacher, was interrupted on whatever she was discussing.

"Excuse me? Are you enrolled in my class?" our teacher inquired. She was a bit annoyed by the sudden disturbance in her class.

"Yes ma'am." The man in a hooded jacket replied and immediatel showed his schedule to prove that he was actually enrolled in our class. Well it's a little bit unusual since he already missed three meetings in our class.

"Very well, please take your seat and will you please put your hood down. Your inside the classroom. Have some manners." Ms.Josephine advised.

It was then that I saw his faced. I can't deny it but I was attracted to him the moment he let the hood of his jacket down. He sat on the chair at opposite side of me and that proves that he doesn't want to sit with me since  he chose the farthest seat from me.

But since Ms. Josephine was an orderly woman, she asked the guy to transfer to my side so that the classroom would look organized. He immediately transferred seats but chose to sit at the corner with an empty seat between us.

"Excuse me. Do you hate each other? Please sit beside Mr. Martin." again, the guy picked up his things and sat beside me. As soon as Ms. Josephine was satisfied and continued on her teaching, the guy beside me took his phone out and never took his gaze away from it for the whole period. I was instantly turned off because I hate people who takes education for granted. But that's not the last time I took a liking on him since It actually took...

Uh oh. Trouble! Trouble! They are staring at me now. My mind panicked and I decided to look inside my bag and acted like I forgot something when in fact there was none, then I did the most logical thing to do. To run the fuck away from them to avoid awkward eye contact and awkward smile to each other. Gad. I still can't face him now that we've never had a serious talk in one and a half year. I might've been so careless, a little bit too  careless when I bumped into someone.

I massaged my head because whatever I bumped must be hard as stone or something like that. It was then that I realized that I was on top of someone and this someone is not just someone. It was Archer Everette Reid. The son of a famous business magnate. 

He seems a little pissed and it's probably too late when he saw my face. This is not the first time that I had an embarrassing encounter with him but this is the first time that he saw my face!

"Oh gosh I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologized immediately and I stood up to ran away from him. I would probably never show my face ever again. 

When I am now finally out of his sight, I have concluded that it was a bad idea to ran away from him without even helping him stood up. Fuck! Then I'm totally doomed! I'm probably fucked once I piss him off just like that. I'm sorry mom and dad if you're coming home tonight jobless. That's how influential their family is and rumor has it that one guy pissed Archer for just being plainly annoying with his loud voice that his parents got fired for their job and all Archer ever said is : "Hmm. Serves him right. Now he can't afford to study in same school as mine."

See? See? I hit my head repeatedly as I realized my stupidity. If I'm nervous a while ago because I saw my long time crush; I'm nervous now because I'm hoping for the worst. If I just faced my fears then I wouldn't have to bumped into him.

After a long time of positive thinking, I decided to just ignore what happened and hoped that he's in a good mood. I took a deep breath and decided to enter into my first class which I'm probably late now that I'm far away from my room. I took my schedule out to double check the room where my class is.

Statistics for Business- Room S423.

Right. That's not far away from here. When I finally found the room, I peeked inside first to see if the professor's inside and once I saw no one, I entered and took a seat on the back part of the room where no one would bother me at all. Wait a minute... Is that Dash? 

O my God. It's him! My heart fluttered in excitement. At last! My wish finally came true! I'm on the same class with Dash! Thank you Lord. Thank you so very much! I move my gaze at his side to see if someone's sitting beside him and I saw his girlfriend Heather. Pssh. Always ruining that girl is always ruining my mood. And beside Heather is uh oh... Archer Everette Reid. Damn! I totally forgot they were friends.

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