Chapter 4: X Marks the Spot

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Chapter 4: X Marks the Spot

"Did you know what would happen to anyone who tries to trespass on my personal place. Have you ever thought that this particular place is off limits to everyone except me?" he was low key terrorizing me! 

"It was just... It was just..." I'm running out of words. I can't concentrate much when I'm this nervous. He is scary. Everything about him is scary. His voice, his poise, the way he smokes, and pretty much everything.

"It's just what?" he continues to pry.

"It's just that... I hated parties. It's loud. It's not fun and it's basically meaningless! I thought this place was a perfect place to hide but I guess I'm wrong." I looked down trying to ignore his piercing stare. 

"If you hate parties that much then why is it that you're here. And by the way, thank you for your kind compliment about my party. It's been a pleasure having you here." he replied sarcastically.

"As if I intended to go here!" I defended myself. "And if your party's that 'great', why is it that you are here hiding with me on your lovely haven? Ooops. I'm sorry I never should've said that." I immediately took back what I said when I remembered who I'm talking to. 

"Sometimes the host needs time to rest once in a while don't you think? You should also remember that thousands of people are on my house right now. I'm tired of people talking to me and it's annoying that someone's meddling with my solitary time that I deserve thank you very much." 

"I'm not actually meddling with your solitary time. From what I remembered, it was you who first spoke to me so that totally means I'm not at fault here. So if you want silence, I can shut up as long as you will not speak then you can have your silence and we can share this place. Alright?" I protested from his baseless accusations.

"Except this is my house. Solitary means to be alone. I'm not alone and you annoy me." he pointed at me and his face was grumpy that it's starting to form crinkles on his eyes.

"Ugh. Fine. Open the door and I'll go." It's better that I get out of here instead of inhaling his second hand smoke.

"I'm not in the mood to stand right now." was his reply.

"Then give me the key. I'll open the door myself." I stood up and held out my hand.

He squinted at me and  hummed thinking about his next move.

"I don't know..." he responded as he click his tongue. "I'm too lazy to get my keys back. Why don't you sit down and let's have a talk."

"But you said you're tired of talking to people." Oh no. I don't want to prolong my agony talking to someone who's not close to me.

"I'm in the mood for a conversation how about that?" he smiled and hands me a bottle of beer. Now talk about weird. Where's that scary intimidating guy a while ago? He must be sick. Like some multi personality disorder.

"Uhhmmmmmm...." I'm not sure about this.  What are my options?

"I'm not gonna open that door unless you'll have a beer with me." Surprisingly enough that's my only option.

"Tsk. Fine!" I took the beer from his hand and took my seat once more. 

"What's your name?" he asked me. I'm a little bit offended since he's been my classmate in three subjects and he still doesn't know my name or even recognized my face. But still, I'm not sure if I'm gonna share my name to him since I don't even know what he's planning. He might have some background check on me and he might make me suffer so I think I'll just give him a fake name but I can't do that since he's my classmate in stat now and he'll probably ask my name again. Argh! I'm thinking too much!

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