Chapter 2: The Invitation

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Chapter 2: The Invitation

It felt like eternity when class finally ended. I managed to not be noticed by them but my neck hurts from not staring at them. I think I got a stiff neck from facing the board too much. I waited until everyone went out of the room and that's when I started to move out.

I texted my friend Diane to meet me at the library since it was our break. It was my idea to spend our vacant time in the library since a small number of people go there unlike in the canteen. I surrendered my bag at the counter and sat on my usual spot.

"There you are! My God I missed you!" she decided to hug me in a public area and I legit felt embarassed to know that other people are watching. Aaaaand also for the fact that people touching me is making me uncomfortable.

"People are watching Diane." I whispered when she finally let go.

"So what? You're taking a degree in Advertising and yet you're still shy as ever? Why'd you even chose that program if your shy forever?" she inquired again, always attacking my chosen career path and being socially awkward.

"It's because I have the creativity and talent to be worthy to work in Advertising. Hey, Why are you judging me when you're the one studying Accounting and  you're the most extrovert girl I ever met. Being an accountant is like being introvert. Talk about hypocrisy Diane." Even though were the complete opposite were actually the same on so many levels. Wow that's confusing.

"Eh! It's because I'm perfectly good at it. I really wish you're still my classmate." she replied. If you're asking how we knew each other , it's because I was enrolled in Accountancy before but I changed majors because numbers bore me out. She was my classmate in Basic Accounting and that's how we first met and instantly became friends due to same taste in almost everything.

"See? So your saying that we should follow our dreams and be where you're good at. Not just because I'm an introvert or an extrovert." I reasoned.

"Pfff. Fine. But you should also know that you need to have the people skill in your future job." She replied. Uh oh. I sense that she's gonna ask for something social again.

"Just spill the beans. What is it?"

"I want you... to come with me to a party!" and there she said it.

"What? Are you kidding? It's like our inviting me to a death trap. You know how I hate social events especially when I don't find the joy in drinking and dancing with a random stranger." I can now imagine myself standing in a jungle of drunk college students and I'm standing there ranting about going home.

"You know it's a good opportunity for you to socialize with other people. You might even you know... hook up with someone." 

"Like hooking up with someone can convince me to a party. Heck, that's one more reason I wouldn't go so no thank you." I gladly declined.

"Whaaat? Like it's every man's dream to have sex with someone unless you're gay." she stated directly. It's like her mouth doesn't have a filter of its own.

"No it's not!" Wow. If I'm still hiding in the close,  I found myself sounding too defensive. "Anyway, why would you even want to go to this particular party?" I asked trying to avert the topic of me being gay before she would even pry.

She smiled widely and I noticed the look on her face that I've seen before. I covered my ears because she's gonna squeak annoyingly again. She removed my hands from my ears and stated her reason she wants me to go.

"The whole school's talking about it. Everybody's invited and they're saying that it will be the party of the year." she took a pause but wait she's not done yet. She inhaled a lot of air and then... "Axel's gonna come and  he's the one who invited me!" and then she began to make that ear splitting muffled scream sound whenever she's getting giddy and hoity-toity like a prepubescent teenage girl. She's been crazy about Axel. The same way I'm in love with Dash but a little less crazier.

"Oh god..." I muttered in disgust. "I'm not even invited."

"Please. Please. Please. Everyone will be there." I stopped listening when I saw Dash from a distance and now he's getting nearer when he saw me. Oh god. Oh god. He's gonna talk to me. I don't know what to say!

"Hey Theodore!" He greeted me. Not this again. I'm gonna blurt out something stupid again.

"H-hey!" was all I ever said. Way to go Theo.

"So are you coming to the party later?" he asked me. Apparently this party is bigger than I thought. I thought Diane's just exaggerating since that's the way she talks.

"Uhmm. I don't know." I was totally love struck and tongue-tied to think of a reply longer than five words even though I've been practicing a thousand conversations with him.

"Well you should go. Take a little break from all that reading. I guess I'll see you there." he declared and then he went, charming as ever. This is surely gonna be on my diary.

"So?There goes your invite.Now, will you come with me to the party?" Diane asked excitedly.

"Uhhhhh.." I swear I'm gonna regret my decision but my stupid heart already made its verdict. 

"I guess I'll go."

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