Chapter 1: The team and the enemies

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I always imagine that in a match, whatever the sport, there are two sides.

Your team, and your enemies.
The family and the others.

I stand there, gathering up my nerves. I inhale, relaxing my shoulders, as I remember my dad's words; Volleyball is a team sport, where your team is like a big family, taking care of each other.
A smile tugs on my lips, reassurance filling my racing heart as I open the door.

The view I'm met with, shocks me.
What I assume is the captain, is shouting to one of the younger looking players. I glance around. The other players just look away from the situation awkwardly. I keep my smile, trying to ignore the heavy tension in the air.
I notice the female manager sitting on the bench, so I start walking over to her. A couple of people glare at me, probably because of my small build. I sigh, letting the small smile slip away.

The manager smiles down at me, as she asks if I am one of the members that joined ahead of time. I nod, and she gives me a form to fill at home. She tells me to watch the practice for now, and that I could join them tomorrow. I smile happily, doing as she told me. I take out my trusty small notebook, trying to hide it with my backpack. Writing everything down that is happening around me, was a nervous habit at first, but it has grown even more, and now I do it anytime I watch a match.

I look at my future teammates. I furrow my brows, as one of them spikes the ball that has just been tossed.
He looks... Discouraged? And his movement lacks any motivation.
I haven't been to many matches, and I've only seen dad playing with his team, but he has still told me a lot about how it feels to smash the ball to the other side of the court. Knowing the feeling myself too, I scratch my head, then writing to my notebook.
The receives are weak-ish, because the players' posture is either too sluggish, or too straight, which doesn't help with speedy action when the ball comes closer.
The blocks are maybe the best out of all, but they could still be a lot better.
I continue with looking for the small mistakes or flaws, trying to figure out how to overcome them myself.

Many people tell me I must be really bad with spiking, or blocking, or anything under the moon when they see my small build, and hear that I'm just a middle schooler, but I just brush away the comments, and continue taking notes of how pros move, and act on the court. It's how I've gotten past all this time, and its what will get me by in the future.

(The practice lasted for about an hour)

The practice comes to an end soon, and everyone sluggishly walks away to change their training gear. I skip away, happy to finally be able to start playing volleyball with other people than just my dad's teammates.
I almost get to my mom's car, as I glance around, and as my eyes meet other, mischievous ones, I come to a stop.

"Hey Shortyshit! Did you think I wouldn't say anything about you joining the volleyball club?" A girl, known as a bullying, mean, and tall classmate of mine, Mari, shouts at me.
I shiver, as she comes closer. My legs act on their own, as I make a run for the car. She starts shouting behind me, but I make it to the car, slamming the door closed.
I give a strained smile to my mom, who just looks at me concerned, but still starts up the car, pulling away from the school.

(Approximately two weeks later...)

I arrive to the gymnasium, already seeing some of the club members walking there. I like to come here early, so I can be in peace for a little while. I walk over to the bench, when I see a new girl sitting there. She has dirty blonde hair, and was apparently thinking deeply. I turn my head slightly to the right in curiosity like a bird, as she notices me.

"Hello! My name is Alissa Emma Martikainen, but just call me Alissa! It's nice to meet you!" I say, smiling to her. She blinks once, twice, and then gives me an uncertain smile.

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