Chapter 3: A New Home

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I look around my now bare room, flinching  as the memories of the past run over me like a big truck full of bricks.

I sigh, taking the luggage and the big backpack from the pure white bed. Slowly walking downstairs, I'm enveloped by my thoughts, mostly consisting of pondering what the school dad picked for me is, my friends, and the possibility of being picked on, even though it's not that likely.

I see dad standing there, talking to my mom whose bags are held by him, while she looks for something by charging around throwing stuff into dad's arms. I smile, reaching the two quickly.

"Ah! There you are!!" She comes out, with a charger in hand. "Aren't you glad that your momma taught you multiple languages? Aren't I a good mother! Now you won't have any problems with communicating" My mom exclaims. I sweatdrop, as she chuckles, throwing the extra charger to my dad.

My dad turns around, and as soon as I'm about to warn him, the charger hits his forehead. He blinks, as I try to stifle my laughter. It doesn't last long, as my mom tries to explain the sudden impact, but she's interrupted by a big snort. I start laughing loudly, mom soon joining me, as we release all the anticipation, nervousness and pent up frustration from our systems, while my dad is left scratching his head.

(About six hours later at the airport)

We get into the plane, the silence hanging above me and my parents almost deafening. I look around our seats, seeing children with their mothers and fathers, lone travelers, and a couple elders. Sighing, I press my back against the seat, hoping that this all will bring something good instead of a lonely life without any friends.

My phone starts blowing up with texts, so I open it. Our team chat is filled with "Have fun" and "Remember us there". I smile sadly at my friends' messages, reassuring them that no matter what happens, I'll remember them.

And so the late night flight to Japan starts, as the airplane rolls away from the airport.

(After the flight, which was filled with gaming and drawing)

I step outside of the plane, taking in the fresh air. My head hurts a little bit, but otherwise the flight went pretty well. Mom was goofing around like usual, while I sat there, drawing the view above the clouds from my window.

I hear mom urging for me to hurry up ahead of me, and I fasten my pace.

"We're here. We're actually in Japan! It's been so long since I've seen my cousin, I can't wait!" My mom shouts, and dad chuckles. I sigh, as we get to the arrivals. We get our bags, heading out to rent a car to get to the house we'll be staying in.

My mom and dad were both born in Finland, but apparently my mom lived in Japan before she went back to Finland in search of a better job. I tune out on their blabberings, while humming under my breath.

I see people looking at me weirdly, probably because of my small-ish form, the fact that I have long brown hair and probably the ugliest eyes anyone has ever seen, or that I'm following two considerably taller people, that happen to be my parents. I look down, already feeling out of place.

My mom notices my mood change, and stops. She forces me to look at her by lifting my chin with her slender fingers.

"Hey... I have said this before, and I will say it again; You might feel like everyone is staring at you, but they aren't. You are just another human being, no matter how good you are at anything, or however famous you might be. I'm not saying you aren't talented, but it's the truth" She says, her usually cheerful tone changing into a dead serious one, one that I have rarely heard my mom use.

I nod, giving her a small, faltering smile as proof that it's all right now. Her face lights up again, and mom glomps me.

"I'm sorry that I had to be stern on you! Everyone you meet might not look at you in awe, but your teammates sure do! And the new ones will too!! I know for sure" She blabbers, her usual happy-go-lucky attitude coming back.

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