Chapter 5: A Double Edged Sword

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I groan, as the thought of all the homework I have to do crosses my mind.

Ugh, I hate school, yet I'm forced to come here every morning? Why does this have to be like this? Why wouldn't I just get to do what I love, huh? Maybe it's just the w-

My blabbering mind is forced back into reality, as my forehead makes contact with something, or maybe someone? Yeah, definetely a person, not sure if it's a human though, it feels weird and lanky...

"Oi, what are you doing? Stop feeling me, midget" The creature says, and pushes me off. I (almost) land on my butt, but I make a bridge, the palms of my hands taking the impact. I hoist my legs over my body, landing on my feet. I rise up using my arms, inspecting my now scratched hands for any bleeding or other injuries.

"You know, it's not fair to bully a person who has more balanced body mass compared to their length, and who is a thousand times more flexible than you... Go pick a fight with a beanpole or something, I'm sure that would be more fair" I state, looking up to find... Tsukishima, was it?

Naah, too long! I need to create a shorter name for him. Hmmm...

"Tsukki! I'm sorry I took too long!" A little bit shorter boy shouts, running towards the beanpole of a boy.
Oh, wait, did he say Tsukki? Ohoho, I can see Tsukishima scowling a little deeper...!

Tsukki it is then!

"Oooh, nice nickname Tsukki" I say dryly, laughing while I push the giant a little to get away, but he won't budge.

"Oh, is the ant trying to move someone a hundred times its size? Well, too bad, not happening" Tsukki says, a dry and sadistic smile on his face.

"Well, did you know that ants can actually lift things many times their size? So I'll take it as a compliment. Well, no living thing could lift a thing that tall anyway" I retort, a snort escaping my lips as I see the clueless expression of the other boy, his name was Yamaguchi, if I remember correctly?

"Now, I need to get home, so see you later, Yamaguchi and Saltytsukki" I say, walking away from the said pair of boys, cackling quietly.

This definetely made my day just a little bit funnier.

I close the door, when I hear dad groaning about something, laying on the couch. Huh, he must've come home earlier...

"Hello dad, why are you here already?" I ask, my head slightly tilted.

"I came home early because the coach got ill, and we didn't get to practice as much as we were going to" He responds, and sits up.
"Do you have homework? I thought we could play a little before your mom comes home from work" He asks, a small grin forming on his lips.

"I have a ton of homework, but most of them aren't for tomorrow anyway, so it should be fine" I shrug, putting down my backpack so I can go and chance to something a little more lighter.

I open the backdoor, and what I'm greeted with is a big volleyball net in the middle of the backyard. I gawk, dad finishing up with setting it up.

"Yeah, I got this a while back, but the yard back in Finland wasn't big enough for it" He shouts, and walks over to me. I take the volleyball from the ground, bouncing it up and down a couple of times. I get ready to serve to the outmost corner of our makeshift court, being vaguely aware of the pair of eyes upon me. I calculate the place and speed, throwing the ball into the air. I swing my arm with force, my hand making contact with the ball, sending it barreling towards the edge.
Dad jumps in front of the ball, receiving it with the ease coming from over five years of playing volleyball professionally.
I catch the ball, asking if dad would toss for me. He smirks, running over to his place. I throw the volleyball in the air towards my dad, running towards the net once I deem that the distance is enough. I see the ball almost in front of me, and I quickly smash it down, the ball bouncing away with force.
I land on my feet, and as soon as my legs have touched the ground, I've already turned to my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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