Chapter 2: The Northern Swans

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(A long while later...)

I sit on the bench, watching intently, as the others fight fiercely, keeping the ball in game like their lives depended on it.

I try to write the eye contacts and attacks of the other team down without glancing down, which has gotten noticeably easier during the years.
The small glances and gestures every one of the enemy team makes, might seem unimportant to most, but almost anything can be predicted just by looking closely. Humans always react or act a certain way when something happens, or will happen, and when you learn to pick up on them, it becomes a lot easier to prevent almost anything. People have habits for walking, speaking, hell, even eating, that they're not even conscious of, which helps a lot in places like this.

I turn my gaze to the ball, as it comes over to our side of the net. Vil receives it pretty well, but as the ball is tossed in the air for the spiker to slam down, the spiker does a feint, throwing off the opponents. I smile slightly, as Pete pulls a funny face towards the other team on the back row, jumping around goofily.

I look at the coach for a small moment, and he nods, understanding the gesture.

It's time to throw them off of their high horse.

Soon the whistle rings, signalling a change in players. The team looks up, already knowing who is coming. They relax slightly, letting their muscles rest for a little bit.

I stand there, as the number 6 comes over to me, giving the enemies a mocking glare. He looks back at me, and gives me a small, almost unnoticeable turn of his lips, bending down to whisper into my ear.

"Beat them to a pulp. Then they'll know to not mess with us, captain" Samuel whispers, and ruffles my hair. I pout, as he walks to the bench. I walk over to the spot he was in, looking around frantically.

The other team's captain smirks, as I take my place. I try not to smile from the confidence radiating from them, as I get ready to serve.

Should I tease them first, making them causious of me, or should I go all out, crushing their motivation in the progress, I think while trying to seem really nervous. My muscles relax, as I make up my mind.

Teasing it is!

I throw the ball into the air, and all traces of faked nervousness wash away, as I let a toned down version of my signature smirk take over my face.
As the ball comes down, I hit it with my palm, and as it reaches towards the net, it starts to dip down in mid-air. I purposefully made it a little bit shorter, which makes it land on the net.

But it falls to the other side, like I calculated. Seems like a lucky serve, but oh boy, they're in for a treat!

Their libero doesn't have a chance to react when the ball already hits the ground. The crowd goes pretty much wild, screaming unintelligible stuff, whenever it's compliments or curses. I lift my eyes from the ground, to see dumbfounded gazes on the other side of the court, and everyone else on my team looking at me proudly. I give them a determined glance, as my grin grows.

The match goes on, our team racking up points quickly. The opponents' mood has dropped drastically, noticed by the fidgeting and the nervous glances.

I smirk, as the ball is coming to Vil. She receives it with no problems, and
Jaakko gets ready to toss the ball. I look around, scanning the court. They rely on their left, and because we've been attacking them from the left too, they won't expect a sudden change. Then, I notice one of the players looking back at me and Julius, as we are both readying to spike. He then decides on Julius, which makes me happy.
Match point, and I get to spike the ball with all my might to the other side of the court? Yes please!

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