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    The house was a giant by human standards, but considering how big these cat monsters were, I guessed it was normal sized. It was painted a slate gray, but that was all I could really take in of the outdoors besides the trees and grass, which looked normal but more aqua, before being taking inside. The foyer was painted a creamy white, and the flooring was wooden.

    The cat monster that had taken me knelt down and unclasped the leash from my bracelet before petting my head and murmuring something to me. Next he stood up and went to the door, shutting a latch near the top so that if I tried to open the door, I wouldn't get it more than a few inches before it wouldn't open any more.

    I sighed sadly as he passed by me, and slowly sat down. I had just closed my eyes to fight tears when I was picked up and cuddled close by the cat monster. I squeaked and tried to pull away, but I eventually gave up and whimpered, accepting defeat. I was given a gentle kiss to my forehead, and wrinkled my nose in disgust. The cat monster chuckled and gave me another kiss on the cheek before carrying me into a living room. There I was set down.

    Looking around the room, I was surprised yet relieved it looked just like a normal living room would: a TV, a blue couch, and two padded rocking chairs, one red checkered and one tan leather.


    I whipped my head around at the sound of a familiar word.

    "Gardenia?" I questioned, thinking of the flower.

    The creature seemed surprised, his mouth slightly ajar and his eyes wide. I tilted my head in confusion, raising one eyebrow. What did I do that was so amazing? I just inquired about the first word I was able to recognize. Which happened to be an amazing smelling flower.

    After getting over his shock, the cat monster gently laid his palm down over his chest. "Ashlar," he said. He repeated that word over and over. Then he pointed to me, and said "Gardenia" twice.

    "No," I said. "My name is Kayla."

    "Gardenia. Kiva."

    "No, Kayla."


    I sighed, shaking my head. I pointed to myself and said sternly, "Kayla."

    "Kiva," Ashlar insisted. "Kiva."

    I growled in frustration, and Ashlar chuckled softly, amusement filling his eyes.

    Great, I thought. Just great. He finds amusement in my frustration.

    "Kayla-Kiva," Ashlar said. "Kayla-Kiva."

    Close enough, I suppose.

    I looked up expectantly at the cat monster, but all I received was a grin and unwanted pets to my hair, which I avoided by falling over backwards. Grumbling, I crawled a ways away before sitting back up and glaring.

    Ashlar said something, then stood up slowly and pulled out a smartphone-looking object from his pocket. He spoke to it as he went to sit on one of the tall couches. Draping himself over it, he began to hold a conversation with another person on the other side of the line.

    I slowly turned around the room, taking in the simple design. The walls were painted a warm beige, and had many picture frames with colored and black and white pictures of a group of cat monsters.

    Family? I wondered.


    I turned around quickly, the sound of my name getting my attention. "What?" I asked. Ashlar seemed pleased, smiling and letting out a weird purring sound.

Abducted [!! DISCONTINUED !!]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon