.·:*°9°*:·. (unedited/finished)

832 23 13

The entire evening, from the time we got home until we went to bed, Ashlar continuously sent me worried glances. This kind of attention only fueled my fear that I'd done something horribly wrong, and I tried to keep quiet and meek, scared of evoking something more aggressive than simple looks.

What if I do something else wrong, and he hurts me? I fretted.

The next morning, I stayed quiet. I reasoned that if I didn't speak, I wouldn't get in trouble. Unfortunately, after breakfast, I got sent back to the house with the giant spider. I didn't make as much of a fuss this time because I knew Ashlar was coming back.

Alessandro s

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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