.·:*°8°*:·. (unedited)

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    Ashlar seemed worried about something. I wasn't sure what, but I could feel the tension in his body when he held me and could see it in his sudden bout of near-constant hesitation and unsureness when going about it new morning routine of using the bathroom, dressing, and then eating.

    The food he gave me for breakfast was dog food, which made me feel sick to even imagine eating. I pushed the bowl away and gave him my best "are you joshing with me?" glare, one eyebrow raised. He simply sighed, shaking his head before eating his own breakfast which was far more appetizing: eggs, bacon, biscuits and pancakes with butter and syrup on top. We both had plain water, which I willingly drank.

    After breakfast, Ashlar spent some time alone in his room, leaving me to play with my toys in the living room. After staring longingly at the fridge full of delicious foods--had the handle been lower and the chairs around the table been lighter I would have helped myself to the delicious breakfast that awaited me inside--I went to kick my ball around, playing soccer by myself.

    About five minutes later, Ashlar came back in a suit and tie, bagged up the dog food I rejected, slipped on my harness and clipped the leash onto the front and gestured to the toys, saying something in his weird language. I stood still for a moment, and when he repeated whatever it was he had to say, I slowly began to pick up the stuffed dog and the little cube. Ashlar seemed pleased, and led me to his car, placing the food bag in the front seat before picking me up and setting me in the back. He left me to buckle myself before moving to the driver's seat and starting the car, driving to another unknown destination.

    About fifteen minutes passed by before we stopped in front of a house similar to Ashlar's, and we headed inside. I began to feel kind of nervous, and tried to keep Ashlar from reaching the door.

    What if something happens and he never comes to get me again? I fretted. What if he forgets about me? Does he not want me anymore and is giving me away? Abandoning me with some strange cat monster?

    I gasped slightly as more worries flooded my mind, and I desperately tried to pull Ashlar away from the door, whimpering when he rung the doorbell. What if this new monster is abusive? What if he hurts me? What if he rapes me?

    I began to shake as the door opened, revealing a neko with white hair and ears, his irises a mesmerizing ocean blue. He welcomed both Ashlar and I in, smiling down at me. I shrunk away from his gaze, frightened.

    Ashlar led me to a living room before bending down and removing my leash, leaving me in my harness. I stared up at him and quietly asked, "What's happening?" All I got in return was a kiss to the head before my hair was ruffled, and Ashlar stood to talk to the stranger.

    I looked around the room before spotting an old man sitting in a very comfy looking chair in the corner of the room, carving a block of wood. His skin was tanned and olive with some wrinkles and large veins here and there. His hair was mostly gray, his eyes were a bright hazel, and he smiled when he caught sight of me staring, giving a small wave and a quiet "Ciao."

    I waved the slightest bit back, feeling beyond nervous and a little bit nauseous. I turned back to Ashlar to see him walking away towards the door. Panicking, I screeched and ran after him. My shrill cry caught everyone's attention, and before I could reach my destination I was scooped up by the snowy-haired neko and held close like a stupid child.

    "What are you doing?" I cried out. "Don't leave me alone with a stranger! Haven't you read books!? The stranger is the one that is responsible for the death or disappearance of the poor child or pet!"

    Despite my pleas and warnings, Ashlar simply left. I froze as the door slammed shut, and didn't move until I heard the car outside drive away. I wilted when I realized that I was left alone for good.

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