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    This morning was relatively just like yesterday morning, only today I was woken up by Ashlar, given some clothes, and carried to the kitchen table for breakfast. After breakfast, Ashlar made a call, and then he attached me to the leash and took me to his car again. I was given my stuffed dog and fidget cube to play with on the ride to who knows where. I decided to watch out the window while we drove, hoping I could get some sort of idea of where we were, where I could go if I escaped, and how I could find home. I absentmindedly played with the fidget cube while staring out of the window, holding my stuffed dog close.

    We eventually came to a rather large building, and I began to get nervous as I saw several other people on leashes being led around by more cat monsters. Ashlar parked his car and led my unwilling self into the brick building, carrying my stuffed dog. I tried desperately to pull away, to lead him back to the car, but he wasn't having that. Inside he held on to my arm as he talked to a female receptionist with blue eyes and dark blue-gray hair and ears, a set of black glasses sitting on her nose and ears. Once the two finished talking, I was taken to a seat. Mimicking those around him, Ashlar picked me up and set me down on his lap, hugging me and petting my hair to try and get me to relax.

    But no, no. I did not want to relax. I knew where we were; I could tell by the occasional scrub-wearing cat monster, sneezing humans, and sterile-looking insides. We were at the last place I wanted to be: The vet's.

    After an agonizingly long time of waiting, we were called into a room. I struggled and begged not to go so much that Ashlar decided to just carry me into the room instead of lead me. An older lady sitting calmly by a black-haired neko woman told me it would be alright and not to worry as I was carried passed her.

    Inside the sterile room, I was set down on top of a stainless steel table. Terrified, I crawled down and looked for a good hiding spot.

    That'll have to do, I thought in despair as I moved a rolling chair away from a desk so I could curl up underneath it. I stayed there, trying to calm my breathing. Just as soon as I felt I was near fully calm, the door opened and my terror was reignited with a flamethrower. My body shook and shivered violently as Ashlar and the doctor shook hands and talked. Ashlar gestured to me under the desk, and I shrunk back as far as I could when the doctor looked down at me. The rolling chair was pulled away, and the vet sat in it. I blinked, confused.

    Isn't he going to drag me out? I thought fearfully.

    Ashlar and the vet continued to converse, every now and then one would gesture towards me. I began to slowly relax, thinking maybe they were just going to talk, and not do anything with me. I looked longingly at my stuffed dog, which I decided to name Lucky.

    I wish I could go home. I miss my family. And my real dog.

    I was pulled from my thoughts--quite literally, as I was dragged out from under the desk gently by a hand. I squeaked and tried to claw my way back to safety, but to no avail; these cat monsters were so much stronger than I, a mere human.

    The vet began to strip me, and I shrieked. I tried desperately to get away, and when Ashlar came towards me I got excited, thinking he was going to save me. But no. He betrayed me by holding me still so the vet could remove my clothes. Beyond terrified and embarrassed, I started to cry and tried to cover myself. I was lifted up and set down on the stainless steel table again, and shook with fear as the vet put on some latex gloves. Gently he began to run his hands all over my skin, occasionally poking and prodding me. I started to cry again when he forced my legs apart, and tried desperately to get away from his horrible hands touching every part of me.

    At long last his hands left me, and I immediately hopped off the table and ran to hide under the desk again. Ashlar followed, and bent down to hand me my underwear and shorts. I took them, and put them on best I could underneath the desk. After a few minutes, I was pulled out from my hiding spot again and once again placed on the awful table. Ashlar held me still, gently stroking my back and speaking to me in a soft, quiet voice.

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