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    I furrowed my brow as I tried to remember where I was. I couldn't think of anyone I knew who had a room this large or with furniture this big. Or a red blanket and pillows set. However, my confusion was dissipated when a familiar head of black hair and cat ears poked in from around the door.

    Great. Yesterday wasn't a dream.

    "Ood-gay orning-may," Ashlar said with a smile. He came to the bed and picked me up, carrying me through the house and into a kitchen.  I was set down on a chair and a plate of plain, unseasoned scrambled eggs was placed in front of me, along with an oversized fork. I looked to Ashlar, and envied his plate of a homemade sausage, egg and cheese biscuit sandwich.

    I tried to eat my egg, but since it wasn't seasoned, I couldn't down more than one bite. I sighed, pushing the plate away and leaning back in the chair, which I had to stand on my knees to be able to reach the table on.

    Ashlar pushed my plate back towards me, and looked down at me in confusion. He said something to me, but I didn't pay any attention.

    Ashlar finished his breakfast and took a big drink. Then he knelt down beside my chair and held out his glass for me to drink. I accepted, not having anything to drink since dinner last night and feeling quite thirsty.

    "Thank you," I said as I gently pushed the cup away from me.

    Ashlar placed the cup on the table, then left the room. When he didn't return soon, I decided it would be safe to go exploring, and slide off the chair. I made my way into the living room, and l looked around.

    Where to first?

    I decided to try the front door. Maybe I could squeeze out? In the foyer, I just barely reached the doorknob. I tried to turn it, but was dismayed to find it locked. Even if I could squeeze out, I wouldn't be able to open the door with it locked.

    Arms picking me up made me shriek, and I panicked. I was turned around, and calmed down when I realized it was only Ashlar. He carried me into the living room and then set me down in the middle of the room. He sat down cross-legged in front of me, and held out my underwear and the white dress he took away from me last night before the bath. I couldn't stop a grin from spreading across my face as I gratefully took the clothing and began to dress myself.

    Maybe this cat monster isn't so bad, I thought, gently sniffing the glimmering fabric. He washed my clothes for me.

    After I was dressed, Ashlar clipped the leash back on the bracelet. He began to lead me towards the front door, but out of spitefulness of being taken from my home and sold as a pet, I decided I was going to be difficult. Instead of willingly following after Ashlar, I dug my bare heels on the living room carpet and did my best to refuse moving. Unfortunately, Ashlar was much stronger and was able to pull me along. Until I sat down. Then he couldn't get me to move as easily. But to my dismay, he merely walked over and picked me up. Accepting temporary defeat, I let him carry me to the car. I was placed in the back seat.

    Under normal conditions I would buckle myself as soon as I could to avoid injury in a car, but I wanted to see how much I could annoy this guy, and thus refused to sit still. He didn't seem to care too much, as long as I stayed in the back. But after getting my forehead smacked into the back of one of the front seats, I decided I could tick the cat monster off later, when my safety was not compromised.

    After a while of driving, maybe forty minutes at max, we finally parked in a large lot filled with hundreds of other cars. My curiosity won out over my anger and fear, so I looked around in wonder as Ashlar led me to the big building.

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